Paddle board big delamination fixing.

Hi everyone, this is my first post on this forum.

I just bought a Pau Hana Big Ez 11" for a $100 bargain with a huge delamination problem, but for the price I guess worth fix.

I never did this before, but I wanna give me a try. 

 The board has EPS core.

























I starting remove the deck pad and then cutting off the delamination area.





















Next ? 

The foam core has to be sanded to smooth ? Advices, tips ?




















This part is underneath the deck pad but I would like to keep the original color, white in this case. Use color on resin or paint after ?

This is good resin for this Job ?

This is a good fiberglass cloth for this job ?


Thanks in advance.



Just let you know eps is the core not epoxy core, epoxy is just a type of resin that you lam with the fg on the outside. But anyway, If you didnt lost too much foam from cutting away the delam piece of fg, i would just use epoxy mix with microballons and it will turn into a white paste,  after it cure, sand it smooth and just do a step patch with one smal size than other.  probably 2-3 layer of 6oz fg is good. prime and paint it.  It will be really hard to match white color so you can be creative with other colors and mask some pattern on it so the repair wont be too visible. 

I just correct the information on my post.

The fiberglass actually unglue, I not lost too much foam, almost nothing.

So, instead use only resing, I should include microballons to do the laminate with my 6oz fiberglass ? 

I have thinking about spackilng paste in the foam to create a smooth surface, then do the laminate. It is a good idea ?


Thanks for the informations.











i would Spackle it then fill it with microballons then glass it and then hot coat, then you can do what ever you want with the paint

I have another question.

Can I sanding the entire board with fine grit like 400 and use some automotive spray paint to add some color(I think yellow), after that sanding with 1000 grit wet and apply a final hot coat over with epoxy/aditive F?



i think epoxy won’t bond well with autopaint.  it is best if you just fix it normally with epoxy/fiberglass and if you want to add color, just spray the primer/paint after you hot coat and sand it smooth.  That is how your board was constructed, it all paint on the outside and glass and foam in the inside. If i were you, i wouldn’t even paint it since it will be cover by the deck pad and it is a cheap SUP don’t waste time and $ on it.  fix it, ride it and sell it when you are done with it.


Thanks for the advices. 

Use a good quality marine paint there are some excellent mono epoxy paints and some marine acrylics That give a very nice durable finish. Any good boat supply store should have a primer and paint that would work for your project.

thanks artz !

I did a similar repair to a Doyle 12’ SUP on the bottom, be sure to flare in at least an inch past your cutout to bond to existing board laminate that is still sound. When you sand back try to get an even bevel exposing the 2 or 3 plies  to the paint. Then laminate you new glass to the same sizes and put an extra layer capping the whole repair. Now blend the repair to the original laminate and fill will 2-part epoxy filler to get the surface free of pin holes before you paint. Since most of the area is under the deck pad you can get away with a less than perfect repair. For a $100 it was worth the foam alone! Good luck and have fun paddling!

How to repair a big compsand delam like yours:


You can skip the urethane since your foam is not damaged badly.

Thanks for the tips.