paddle surfing

are the boards i see people paddle surfing on thicker, wider longer longboards?

By paddle , I assume you mean a kayak paddle, they would be on surf skis or kayaks. lots of fun but to me, not quite the same as “real” surfing

no, they are not kayaks or surfskis…they are surfboard with more buoyancy than a regular longboard and they stand on them while paddling. They even use the paddle to assist on turns. Saw that once in california and was pretty strange but very unique and the guys were having a blast catching waves.

Hi, Tim.

Have you seen this link?


Boards are usually traditional longboard shapes.

Around 11’ to 12’6" in length, 25"-27" wide and around 4" - 5" thick.

Lots of fun and a great workout. Get a paddle about 8" taller than your height.


Go to . They have single and tandem models. These handle like surfboards, not surf ski’s or kayaks.

have you seen the footage of ‘Poto’ [Vetea David] doing that at teahu’poo ??

…nuts ! absolutely **&$#%@!! mental stuff !!

I think it was in a ‘Tracks’ magazine video from memory.

mythology, is in construct throughout this facet of surfing widom,anyone who chooses to be the fountain of knowledge on this venue must genuflect before seating themselves at the alter of the basillico at the revered waikiki…the paddle is only necessary to turn board on wave by those who are not skilled with turning with out the paddle , Pops Ah Vhoy told me his board was 11’3’’ in 1976…Ive made em bigger necause I could …standing up paddling is not required,just challenging…I am certain that with skill great feats of bravado as well as evolved application are possible… greateer lengths will access greater feats rivaling tow in madness without the implication of petrochemical spew and oil procurement complicity …ambrose… aloha from waipouli