This thing is, as Steiny correctly observed, pretty beat. Its got very McCoy-esque thickness & hard down rails. The rails, along that edge, have more inches around the board that are split than ones that are intact. And a couple puncture-type dings in random places, along with stains & browning, that indicate it sat in some bushes for a while. And the usual shattered nose & tail corners. The deck seems never to have been hotcoated, as the weave texture is original, as is the tape line from hotcoating the bottom. Team rider’s board? Bob’s personal experiment? Who knows. Sorry, Carl, no serial #.
Everyone interested in a piece of the action, please PayPal $25 to Mike at Swaylocks. Don’t worry about sending me anything, this is just too fun.
The starfin has a couple little nicks that will sand right out, but its fine.
sounds cool man. Now what should we do with it? Totally restore it to original specs or pimp it out with some fancy shmancy carbon fiber/kevlar/bamboo veneer vacuum job (with a tv monitor on the deck?) Also, poly or epoxy? I’d go for a full resto job but my poly skills are crap. I also have a ton of 2.3 oz if that helps. But let us know what you have in mind. Oh yeah, PICS!!!
Gents- I spoke with Ward Coffey today and he seems to remember that board from when it was new. He thinks the board belonged to Scott Crump who now makes Sol Life Surfboards. It could belonged to a fellow named Neil but most likely Scott.