paint coat that never cures?


I have painted a nice custom made board with acrylic paint from Montana (Montana Gold, spray can). It is an epoxy board and I’m very happy with the end product but the color (painted on the hot coat) never dries! I have probably painted a too thick layer. It didn’t appear that thick though. Maybe I didn’t shake the can enough?

So after a week it is still “sticky” and a bit soft. No way I can sand it and put on clear varnish

Suggestions anyone? Buy a litre of thinner and try to rub it off and repaint? If so, how does the epoxy react to thinner after it has cured? 

Wait a year or two and hope it dries? 

all suggestions are really appriciated!


it will cure. just stick it in the sun for a few days and hope maybe try a heat gun and lightly heat it a bit.

sounds like your using RR with additive F…

 lightly rub your hand over it… within minutes it wil magically dry…

 next time maybe try a plastic primer…

 or dont use the resin wax combo…

Bad info here:


Put it in a dry normal temp area from 70-80 degrees, let it sit for a few days.  See what happens.


First off you used an acrylic paint on epoxy. Bad. .......I'm asuming water based acrylic?  If not then stop reading most of the rest of this. 

Then I'm assuming it was a gloss acrylic...double bad. Gloss acrylic is for wood.   Ever paint a door and not scuff it up, or prime it.  Ever have a bad sunburn and peal your skin a paint job that wasn't preped properly.  Even if it drys you are in for some heartache.

Next time, light coats. First coat is just a fog, next coat up and back.  Let dry over night, then lightly sand with 320. Hit it again with a light coat...let dry, then do it again.   Rub out with 500 grit, and polish.   Use Epoxy paint or good ol Rustoleum brand.  Just rattle can paint.

Never thick, never runny. Don't be in a hurry


Were you trying to be environmentally sound when you used waterbased gloss?   The application for waterbased paint is only when used under epoxy or poly resin.   Not for the finished layer.


As someone who uses Montana  Gold  every day… Something sounds sketchy…

I paint on hotcoats and I paint  on foam with it… I paint fin boxes… put them in the sun… Cut the cloth mix the resin. grab them  and glass them in… Seriously like 15 minute dry time with no issues.

I have had a few bad cans from time to time. I test them ALL as soon as they arrive. I have had 1 several yeard back that felt like old spray adhesive after a week. I glassed over it fun.

Thanks for all the replies! 

Yes, I’ve used RR and Additive F. And yes, I’m usually suspicious when products are described as a salvation, but I actually find RR and Additive F quite easy to work with. Could Additive F really be the problem?

Montana Gold is not glossy and not waterbased and should be a quick-dry paint. Didn’t use a primer.

Is has dried in normal room temperature (around 22 C which I guess is around 75 F) for 8 days now

I assume that the thinner solution is not a solution…

great,  i make 20+ epoxy boards a week… regularly  use 4 different brands of epoxy… 1 is really good, 1 is usable and the rest are crap to work with…

 RR would be better if i didnt have the issues you just discovered…

 Thats the problem i get with Additive F… 

 mist coat it first like someone said, then magic hand it…

 it will dry

During the night I kept the board in a storage room that is less humid than the normal room (which is pretty dry anyway…). Still around 75 F. This morning I discovered that a towel had fallen down on the board and was “stuck”. Not hard, but when I removed the towel there were some nasty marks from it on the board. 

If I get marks from a towel it certainly will not survive any surfing… 

You guys who write “it will dry”,  How long time do you think I have to wait? It has cured over 9 days now and is still soft. If I need to wait several months I’m seriously tempted to get rid of the paint. But how? It is too soft to sand down and I’m not sure how RR epoxy will react to solvents. I probably need heeps of it too…

Could it really be RR and Additive F that caused the problem? I cleaned the board with alcohol and let it dry for several days before I paited. The surface was dry and not greasy.  



After I have searched in various paint-forums I believe that the problem is that I have painted too thick… Actually some parts (pin lines) appear to be dry.

But there are many different theories… Some say it will never dry, some say a couple of week, others say a few months.

If it never dries I have to find a way to get rid of the paint. But how?