Just finished fiberglassing this two, when the idea of painting a thin pinline crossed my mind… Deep inside I think this woodboards are a beaty by themselves, no demanding extras on decoration(or mistakes to hide). But there is allways a first…
As I did with the fins, no glass on´s this time, used some “Future” fin sistem. Very much because I travel with one of those(by plane), and big pain in…Also cause the money you get selling this surfboards is not enough to pay both fin construction and glass-on, as it is easy to find beatifull wood fins on the market. The same way it is possible to adapt the board to each one style and knowledje with the amount of shapes disposible.
Well, the dilema is the whether to or not to paint a pinline! What do you people like? What would you people do if you wanted to put this kind of surfboards in a shop for selling?
No restrictions at all with art on wood Miguel…if you use paint or resin , it’s advisable to seal the wood first to prevent any bleeding into the woodgrain… considering the wood your using Barry is your man with the clues.
eu concordo em fazer o PinLine, acho que fica mas comercial…mas confesso que nunca vendi uma prancha de madeira, não faço a mínima que gosta o pessoal pelas lojas onde as vendes?
acreditas que deixé a prancha ha mas de 6 meses na oficina dum amigo e ainda não a fibrou!!! a próxima fazo eu proprio tudo, esto e um processo demorado!!!
bom, avisa quando vens pelos algarves a ver se da para mandar uma surfadas na barrinha de faro o na ponta ruiva!!! igual podemos ir a comer um arroz de polvo em santa luzia com a malta que trabalho!