Quick query: Pinlined my new log with two different types of pens, Posca and Decco. i also added two stencils on the deck with the Decco paint pen. Neither one of them stood up well to the application of the gloss coat, which seemed to lift the pigment up and just run away with it. I was bummed at first, but the Posca pen stayed pretty solid, while the Decco paint ran, leaving behind a cool sort of blurred effect, a “ghost of” pin line and stencil, if you will. Rather than sand off the gloss coat and start again, I’ve decided to leave them, but thought about trying to “touch up” the ghost stencil. If I do that, I reckon I’ll have to seal it. Obviously, more gloss resin is NOT the answer. I’ve read in the archives about commercially available acryllic auto sealers. Would this be compatible with my Decco paint pens? And can it be buffed and polished? Thanks in advance.
just get a can of clear acrylic spray paint to seal the color before glossing. the stuff at any hardware store, walmart, etc. will do just fine.
Not to sound thick, but it seems like you’re suggesting I apply another gloss coat. Am I reading that right? That was something I was trying to avoid.
clear acrylic spray paint is a far cry from another gloss coat.
you’ve gotta seal your color with something.
in the future, if you seal your artwork with a little clear acrylic spray BEFORE glossing, you can avoid this problem.
Thanks for the tip. Rest assured, on my next board, the acrylic spray will be added before the gloss coat.
good call.
and also, if you ever question whether it’s safe to go ahead and do that “next step” (like glossing over artwork), it’s never a bad idea to do a test on a piece of scrap.
next time you shape a board, keep a few of the rail cuttings. when you glass a tinted lam, you can test out small scraps of glass to make sure the color is right. then, you can use the scrap to give you a better idea of when it’s cured enough to flip and cut laps, but still soft enough that they’ll cut easily. then, when you hotcoat, you’ll have a test panel to know when it’s good to pull tape and flip. rough it up, and put a little pinline on it, too. lay on a gloss and see if it runs…if it does, then you should seal the real pinline (the one on the board) before glossing over it. so you see, it isn’t really any extra work if you plan it from the get-go, and can help guide you along the entire process.
Quick query: Pinlined my new log with two different types of pens, Posca and Decco. i also added two stencils on the deck with the Decco paint pen. Neither one of them stood up well to the application of the gloss coat, which seemed to lift the pigment up and just run away with it. I was bummed at first, but the Posca pen stayed pretty solid, while the Decco paint ran, leaving behind a cool sort of blurred effect, a “ghost of” pin line and stencil, if you will. Rather than sand off the gloss coat and start again, I’ve decided to leave them, but thought about trying to “touch up” the ghost stencil. If I do that, I reckon I’ll have to seal it. Obviously, more gloss resin is NOT the answer. I’ve read in the archives about commercially available acryllic auto sealers. Would this be compatible with my Decco paint pens? And can it be buffed and polished? Thanks in advance.
Sharpie makes a paint pen with water base poster paint ,works great!
I just glossed a board about an hour ago, pinlined it last night
epoxy went over it like glass, no fisheye’s
Primo delux
here’s a pic
EDIT : well maybe not primo delux the pin line did a ever so slight cloud durring the last bit of cure time
when I do the bottom I will try the acrylic spray,Maybe it will help with the rails also