Painting after boards been glassed?

A friend has shaped his own board. He has already glassed it.He used two different hardeners. Part of board has a green tint, part of board has brown tint.He wants me to paint it.My background is in airbrushing motorcycles.My research has been done mostly on this website.It seems that most painting is done prior to the glassing.I,m afraid if I use waterbased acrylic on top of the glass the epoxy he plans to use to seal it will lift the paint.I would like to get the board back to white.Can I use a acrylic lacquer to paint the whole board and go from there?I’m trying to help my surfboardbuilding challenged buddy so any help would be appreciated.thanks

Be aware any painting after the hotcoat put the color outside the glass, so it looks like a Surftech, no matter how you paint it.

But yes, base coat white, sand lightly or while still tacky, paint your colors, then double coat sealer to keep your paintjob intact.