Painting Glassed Surfboard

Hey Swaylockers, have any of you ever painted an already glassed surfboard? I’m assuming you sand the area you are painting, paint, then spray a clear coat over it. What kinda paint/pens should I use? Any tips or pitfalls? Much thanks in advance.

Use water based acrylic paint. Delta, Liquitex, Apple Barrel etc. You can just paint it on like you would do a canvas, try not to lay it on too thick. Spray with UPOL automotive Clear coat #1, or re hot coat, or Gloss Coat. Make sure you sand it to at least 220 grit, 320 better. If you dont, and if you screw up your painting and try to wipe off the paint, the color will fill all the little scratches and you’ll have a fun acetone and sanding party on a nice sunny Saturday afternoon. -Jay

Posca pens work great also…

If you want to do a spray job on the board you can use the acrylic spray paints that are sold in the car accessories shops. It’s alot less expensive than buying an air pen. Any good art supply store will have loads of acrylic paints from fluro pinks to deeps purples. Go mad & have fun. Brian (Ireland)

all our boards are sprayed with thinner based automotive paints. these colors are long lasting and dont fade at the rate water based paints we have used do. the boards are sanded to 150/ 240 grit, then the paint is applied. after we have finished with the artwork, we apply 3 coats of acylic clear/protec. we use a slow solve or equivelent thinners as this bites into the resin a little more.