Painting my blank


Nothing you said above explains why a persons location matters? The location of what a person is talking about might matter, or the location of where to get a certain product might matter, but where the person is at the time he’s giving out tips or information seems unimportant. Notice in my post I gave a link to the spray can products I use…what more does a person need?

haaaaa’'** rule one lets look into the person vehemently attacking another member by pm or otherwise**.

i thought everyone new who i was and roughly where ?

**huie        nickname from childhood

     location morton bay                    ( thats where they sent the convicts all those yrs ago)

island just to the north they sent the lepers.

** cheers huie

It's not an insult Billy.....I'm sure you're paint is fantastic...I'm sure you're fantastic....did I spell that right????

The networking I have done with people in California is truly amazing....Killer deals on many ,many products...

Location matters.......Bro deals happen....people's not a private club.....Find someone in your area....split a roll of cloth. Share some pigment....If they did not know where I live....they would not contact me when there's a deal happening. I'm near San Diego California......I might have a line on some stuff.....sorry.......I don't know where you live so I'm not contacting you.....................................

You want to run solo ...that's fine.....go for it......




And for Huie...

I've never sent you a pm.


     i never said you did     and by the way acrilic house paint works very well but credit should go to HERB  for it is the one go mix

that i have found to work well…

cheers huie  .

Hey Yezma, location matters because there are so many different type of paint and some work better than others, and some not at all.  It you notice there are some highly motivated and opinionated people around here, but some do know better than others.  Car paints are great, and back in the days Laquers were great because they dried so fast.  You can find them still in cans.  Acrylic enamels in cans also work pretty well. 

But you stated you wanted to brush the paints on, and flat house paints work pretty well, but hey, remember when you were in kindergarten, the tempera paints?  They work great for what you describing, but do not leave any thick spots or you will not get a good adhesion with whatever matrix system you prefer.  The caveats are when using some red or black paints that produce what is known commonly as “chrystalization” but  is really microbubbles between the core and the laminate.  It can be so bad at times, it will turn into a bubble, and at that point, your done.

Here are two tricks of the trade to help prevent you having a bad experience that will leave you bummed out and starting over on a new blank.  After using those colors try spraying a light clear coating over the problem colors, and do a cheater coat over the lam, just after the resin goes “B” stage.  Making surfboards can be fun and rewarding, but using the wrong stuff the wrong way, or the right stuff the wrong way presents its own myriad of challenges.

       Howzit ghetto, Good advise and what I started doing with red and black was to leave the tape on the blank and use a thinned out coat of resin over the colors. The thing that got me was they didn't always crystallize but maybe 1 out of 10 would, but with the thin resin never happened. Aloha,Kokua



I just found this thread, and didn’t stop laughing. Way to go guys!


My fav would have to be the post from H (above)

Also Ding opened him self up when he chimed in, on ya Ding…You have a hard day mate??




I just found this thread, and didn’t stop laughing. Way to go guys!


My fav would have to be the post from H (above)

Also Ding opened him self up when he chimed in, on ya Ding…You have a hard day mate??


double post…I must be after points!

…Car Paint Acrylic lacquer is what I, and others I know have been using, I herd that it’s being fazed out these days  ???

I used an Oil based Black for some 1" lines… The spray turned out, well OK (it was my personal board) but the shit got everywhere and wouldn’t come off…even my thongs, Evil Shit.

I didn't really kill a widgity grub for my own artistic fullfilment, I just eat them. Ok to the original guy, the hand painting, just do it like you would paint on canvis,[water based good] cept as Gehtorat said, don't leave lumps, and also as he said, if your'e worried about delam, do a light paint with laminate resin over the top, works with nose and tail blocks[wood] too, by the way cyclone category 5, come and gone, massive damage,luckily only one death so far,[not for that person or their family], lets keep this place nice, cheers H. I really hate when I can't even spell canvis, I know that's not right.

i a m movintg to middle ground here

 1st atomizer is da man

you can use ordinary acrilic house paint no gloss flat or eggshell

but if you add  pledge one go paint drys almost instant seal it no prbm . (thanks dead shaper and herb)

i used auto acrilics since early seventys  cant see the point any more.

but i am talking about spraying     brush i dunno’’


 ask atom hes the best guide


**  cheers huie[img_assist|nid=1056866|title=paint|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=480|height=640]

…hello Yezma,

in my opinion, the comments are a bit confuse for a newbie…


Here s the thing man:

-1 to paint directly onto PU foam: water based colors (paint) or resin with pigments or tints (another techniques)

There s differents water based colors as you may know; well, go with artists temperas or acrylics.

Try to do test before, if you not sure, cause not all are good quality.

Smell the paints to compare the oddor; too much oddor is not good, specially in Reds, Purples.


In the technique is the secret to have solid plain colors and prevent delams.


-2 if you paint onto resin as last layer, you can use car polyesters tints and then do a clear over it.


Here s a couple with Temperas:



    Howzit reverb, I have mixed acrylic with tempra and it works good since the tempra helps the acrylic dry faster and the acrylic makes the paint ahere to the foam better so it's a good combo and when tempra is used with Nova paints it's a great combo.  I have always mixed more paint then it takes for 1 board and sometimes just mix all the like same colors to make a differeny shade of the color. Now I used to use anything I could find to keep my mixed paintsin. One time I used a big glass jar that had had garlic in it originally and talk about the odor of a paint, Phew.And it still smelled like garlic after it was sprayed on the blanks and it got a few jokes about it. also paints will start to smell as they get older but they still work just fine and I had boxes of paints. One of the things that I thought was important was when thinning with water ,if you used to much water you would cut the acrylic to much and loss aherence to the blank so I would thin my paint with a 50/50 mix of water and acrylic thinner and that kept the acrylic content good and thinned the paint also> itried all kinds of thiners and that mix seemed to work the best 100% acrylic mixed with the paint made it so foamy it would take at least 24 hrs before you could use it to spray. Hope this helps. Aloha,Koua

…hello Kokua,

I buy the paints directly to a small factory and the guys make the temperas very solid.

You can dilute the colors 30% more than most paints. They re very expensive but cover more and in less time.

I use only water.

I have no problem with adhesion, decoloration, christalization, delaminations.

     Hozit reverb, Sounds like they are doing some custom work when it comes to making paint and I think we all like to try different ideas. It comes down to what works best for you since I know that they board builders on Kauai basically all do things a little different. If you use Nova paint that is a great start to begin with and I wish I could have bought a lot of it since the price is not to high but the shipping to Hawaii made it cost prohibitive . Aloha,Kokua

You might want to rethink mixing tempera with acrylic paint. a 10 years ago I did a couple of canvases using a mix of tempera acrylic paints the colors were just spectacular. However in about a year they started to craze.  i had to buy one painting back and replace another.  Just a cautionary tail since the painting on a surfboard black allows the paint to soak into foam  Then stabilized by resin crazeing might not be a problem.

     Howzit artz, I can see there could be some issues mixing the 2 paints together but we didn't thin the paint as much and didn't use much tempra in the mix and since the paint was thicker we used a bigger spray gun and the PSI was abou 80 and it tokk only one spray to completely cover a side. I think the Nova was what made a difference since it has a chemical in it that makes it flexable even after it dries. Aloha,Kokua

 Kokua , I got to get my hands on some of that Nova paint. 

Reverb, I like the looks of that Bonzer. care to give some info on it size dimensions the works

    Howzit artz, Did you email them andask for price list? They will send one to you and they have lots of colors and some decent prices also. If I remember right the are in the City of Commerce and if you live near there you can just go and get it straight from the source. It is a Japanese formular with something added that makes the dried paint flexable. I guy who turned me on to it was a mexican kid named Rick that Surfers Journal did a 2 page article on years ago and he lived in Venice and his brothers were all gangbangers and their pictures were in the article. He was a sponsered surfer and a great airbrusher also. Aloha,Kokua