Painting rails??

Hi! Need some advice on how to paint the rails nicely before glassing (on the foam)

I want to make the side of the rail just one plain color and need advice for two things.

1 How do you mask off the bottom ? I want the paint to stop where the rail stops and the bottom of the board starts!

2 When spraying on the paint how do You get it to be the same tone all the way and for both rails?

I only have a small airbrush, do I need a bigger spray gun to get the paint job on the rail a nice uniform tone??



Seems like you’re set Erik…

The larger paint guns are great if you have the skill, but if your worried about getting uniform color a small gun is the best way to go about it. Several light coats. Work on your consistency with each coat, but by them time you have 4 or 5 light ones on there you should have a nice even coat.

Get some craft paper and good masking tape. Just tape off if you want a distinct line, if you want a fade there is no masking. Look up “rail tool” in the archives for info on how to get an even rail line.