how on earth am i meant to get the paint to stay where i lay the tape. also does it benefit to spray the same pl;ace with the same tape (firmer colours)
#1. Use better tape; search arhives for 3M
#2. Seal the tape/board with Future Floor polish; search archives.
There are other methods too.
If you have your board really clean, you can get great results with the 3m 200 series general masking tape from home depot,
My artist buys it in those contractor packs 9 rolls 12 rolls 6 rolls etc, it lays down easy does not leave residue and will cling for days. For the more complex stuff he uses a higher grade tape.make sure you let the colors dry before you spray second coats.
Howzit rollercoaster, Use a shop vac with a home vac soft brush attachment and vacumn the area to be taped off. don't use the brush attachment that comes with shop vac since it's bristles are plastic and will scratch the blank. use the one like your mom used on the sofa. your tape will stick like glue. Aloha, Kokua
hi mate thanks very much for ur directions i dont seem to be able to get any luck with working out wot you meant with the floor polish. please elaborate j
Tape off your lines, mash your tape down well as noted. A tongue depressor (wood) works well here. Next use a clear acrylic sealer (typically floor polish) and brush on several light coats as you would apply your acrylic thinned paint pinlines. You could also use clear acrylic finish in a spray bomb, but that takes more time and tape. The first coat of clear sealer will take care of any bleeding under the tape lines so that when the color is applied you end up with a nice clean edge. Go to it!
Tom S.