Painting Sun cure Fiberfill Polyerster Resin

I have a new board that i took out yesterday. Its a POD imitation, it rips even in smaller waves. Moving on, After surf, i packed up and went home. Unpacking the board when i got home, i noticed a ding next to the side of the rail, near the tail. The board didnt ding in the water but most likely from travel. Its about 1inch in diameter and you can see the foam. What i did was clean it out and chip of the cracked/ damaged area.

I was just wondering, if i use Ding All Sun Cure quick fix repair, after it cures, would it be ok to paint it? I want to match the color of the semi transparent repair to the color of the rail which is grey.

Any thoughts on painting sun cure? or would anyone suggest any way to fix this ding either then suncure?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

depends on the size.


if the ding is small your method is good.



ya, you can paint over it.



thanks for the reply.


When repairing a fracture ding, is there a big difference in weight if sun cure is used as compared to the traditional way of repairing with foam, fiber glass and resin?


If i go for the suncure method, can i paint the repair then glass it using a 6oz cloth to make it more durable? or will the sun cure work just as good?

I am thinking of doing this. Please let me know if it is feasable.


  1. Fill small ding with Suncure fiber fill. Sand after if needed. I dont have filler, and the ding is fairly small anyway.
  2. Spray paint to match color
  3. Patch with 1 6oz fiber glass with resin
  4. Wet sand lightly
  5. Pinline
  6. Polish
Can some one let me know when i should match the paint. Should it be before or after adding the fiberglass?

the paint can’t be petro-based…it’ll delam and just do all kind of horrible things.

if you glass over it ,it’s got to be waterbased…like acrylics.


so the process i posted is doable noted that acrylic water based paint is used??


Would it be better to spray paint after fiberglassing the board?

I’m in the process of doing this same thing on a very small ding. I’ve never had to color match before despite doing 50+ dings in my experience so there might be a dumb question in here:

Once I paint over the suncure with the acrylic paint, the paint cannot be sanded, correct? 

If that’s the case, can I expect the cloth going over the suncure to adhere well? 

I sanded the edges of the ding for the cloth to stick to as usual, and obviously this distorted the color with the scratch marks. I’m expecting that once I cloth and resin that area the color of the board will show through again, but will it look close to as nice as it was originally? 

Welp looks like all the questions were dumb, I ended up painting over the very small part where the suncure was and the layer of paint was so thin that the spot still maintained its roughness so I’m assuming the cloth which is hardening right now will adhere good to that and great as normal the slightly larger than normal area I sanded to make sure it adhered well. Once I sand this down well its gonna look great I’m pretty sure. Pretty stoked about my first color ding repair (luckily it was black so color matching was simple, but not perfect).