I bought a used 10’0 longboard/paddle fishing board. It looks like it was stored in the sun belly up. the deck is still nice and white but the bottom has a bit of yellowing. Would like to paint the bottom over the glass . Any suggestions on paint and sealer.
I bought a used 10’0 longboard/paddle fishing board. It looks like it was > stored in the sun belly up. the deck is still nice and white but the > bottom has a bit of yellowing. Would like to paint the bottom over the > glass . Any suggestions on paint and sealer. …The cheapest wouldbe epoxy in a can. …Sorry I missed the boardfishing derby SR,HOW DID IT GO?Sure wish I could cut some time loose ,but with kids,bla,bla,bla…hope you had a great time …remember a bad days fishin’ is better than a good day of filling dings.Herb
…The cheapest wouldbe epoxy in a can.>>> …Sorry I missed the boardfishing derby SR,HOW DID IT GO?Sure > wish I could cut some time loose ,but with kids,bla,bla,bla…hope > you had a great time …remember a bad days fishin’ is better than a > good day of filling dings.Herb …Before you do anything to that board.Look for number’s,lam’s,signature’s,anything that could idintify it.Somebody shaped that thing.Who? It should be fun finding out where it came from.First it’s art,then it’s toy art.Yeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhaaaaa
…Hey,SR Did you buy that board from a Coronado High School Teacher named Steve?(he lives in I.B.)Herb.
…Hey,SR Did you buy that board from a Coronado High School Teacher > named Steve?(he lives in I.B.)Herb. Hi Herb, It’s been a while. I bought the board from a friend of my sister. It’s a Bruce Jones standard log nothing fancy. The fishing Tournament was alot of fun did you see the winner 27lb white sea bass. The Dash for Cash was one by a homeless guy on a borrowed board and pole. 1000.00 bucks for him so it went to the right place. Try again next year and check the web sight for pics. Boardfishing .com