Panamanian boards?

So I´m down here in Panama right now and looking for a board… Anyone got one and willing to sell or know of a good place to go? Right now I´m in Panama city (at the El Panama hotel) but I´ll be heading out to the coast really soon… if you have one, or good info, call the hotel and my extension is 419. Ask for Joel…

hey, tried calling you - 7:40 - guess yr were out. what kinda board you looking for?

What coast are you headed for? East or West?

Howzit all…

Yup, I must have missed that one call last night… was at los publitos… But I´m looking for something around the 7´4 - 7´6 length.

I´ll be riding it and sharing it with a buddy who has never surfed in his life… it doesn´t have to be mint, but just good enough to last me a month… likely more of a funboard shape than anyhting, as I´m not really a ripper, but i wanna push for that… your bestbet is to email me here withg the sway messenger…

I´ll be hitchiking with this board up to Guatemala, and stopping to surf whenever I feel like it…

all on the Left (Pacific) Coast…

