Paradise Lost by John Milton

Is this another Davinci Code book? Somewhere between the pages must be the secret message about Paradise Lost, Scorpion Bay. The entire coast, from the inside coves to past 7th point are all bought up by the yuppie wanna be’s. The later lots have gone for 85,000$, The road to the points is going to be closed off, with access roads at 3rd and 6th for foot traffic only, The land holders are leasing to the waters edge on a yearly basis to prevent camping and any vendors from putting up any type of biz along the bluff.

Welcome to Nuevo De La Naranja Sur. After 2 days, I 4 wheeled it off to a new unsurfed point the looked just like Trestles, no electric, no water, no people, just the perfect waves we seek in desolate Baja. Adios Scorp, you’ll be missed

Abreojos will be there in about 1-2 years. For not so much money you can buy a classic point break in Mex.

Paradise Lost is classic lit, Da Vinci code is New York Best seller of 2003 . . . different ages, different times . …

sneak on foot? or is this going to be ranch-ilized?

in regards to mexico . . . are those yuppies american? if they are, i wonder if americans can purchase land and keep it? i heard about a bunch of yuppies from the us buying baja plots and losing them and their $$ because a mexican law says you need citizen ship . …

never hit up baja, but been only surfing for 6 months . . . i hear most breaks down there are for jimi hendrix, are you experienced surfers, cool ya got to ride a copy of trestles solo.

at first they built to get away, now they are of prices soon hitting $100,’s toats and has been for a while…abreojos is no better.that gringo housing started purely as speculation, based on inside info regarding the what was to be salt plant execs to sell to so guess what, sell to surfers instead in hopes of getting some $ back on original investment.this has split the town as well-some for some really not for.tension and rifts between those who want to camp and those who own homes/trailers.if you own, you are a “local”.if you drive in to camp you are not welcomed, even though you may have been going to baja and abrefor near twice as long as some of these “locals” have been alive…anymore i just go out into the mountains down there-very peaceful and very, very few people especially shit head yuppie “locals”


After 2 days, I 4 wheeled it off to a new unsurfed point the looked just like Trestles, no electric, no water, no people, just the perfect waves we seek in desolate Baja.

Thre is a reason Laird never leaves home without his Merican Excess card…next time you go to the new place, buy it!

I build surfboards, don’t have an American Express card, let alone own a house, Daddy didn’t leave me no trust fund. Sure I’d like to have dough, but not with the thought of how can I screw other serious surfers out of going to Mecca for a mind clearing experience riding long peeling waves.

Our society has taken a wrong turn and quickly at that, if there is something to screw-up, we’ll do our damn best to do it. And duh, yes Milton is a classic, what did I do, pull that out of my ass,(I had to read it in 1962) the anology was “Paradise Lost”, a cynical comparision to the Davinci Code, is there a “secret message”. By the way, I don’t buy the crap in the Davinci Code


I build surfboards, don’t have an American Express card, let alone own a house, Daddy didn’t leave me no trust fund. Sure I’d like to have dough, but not with the thought of how can I screw other serious surfers out of going to Mecca for a mind clearing experience riding long peeling waves.

Our society has taken a wrong turn and quickly at that, if there is something to screw-up, we’ll do our damn best to do it

My response was intended to be rhetorical…???..I think that’s the right word. Sometimes what I wrote seems like the only self-preservation strategy in this era - get one for ourselves. I stopped going back to Hawaii after 1973 because it seemed so many were going and the few I knew who were from there, plus a lot of folk I didn’t know and who didn’t want to know me, heh heh, made a pretty good case that surfers were starting to “love the place half to death”. I think a lot of Californians back then who really cared about Hawaii did the same tihng. What happened? A whole bunch of others went who really didn’t care about the culture and their impact on it. By the late 90’s I was reading about surfers who would spend their down time on Oahu relentlessly watching movies, renting videos, and hitting strip bars…all good things in my book but I wonder how many ever hit the Bishop Museum? What a waste…

Add to Milton on the reading list: Walt Kelly. Pogo. “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

my monkey mind said

mexican american express card

I stopped going to mexico

in 1972 because of the abject poverty

the very rich and the very poor

mordida ,federales,and the water

I just like tap water

raised on hetch hetchy water

and living on kapaa water for 37years

protecting a piece of land amidst the

explosive development world wide

more people less land

Buy Trestles

protect it like burrhead did at salt creek

build a hawaiian house at princeville like I heard yesterday

lex brodie did simple not ostentatious

buy it now while gas is cheap at 3.00 a gallon

a dollar is worth 2cents…

a 3 musketeers is almost 2bux


trade a balsa hot curl for a houselot

Trusty, rusty, thrusty fund.

I know you nuts like I and how, so let me vent here and now, like a whistling vacuum vent suck’n like one of those porn starlets downloaded at the witching/twitching hour, I know you know what the hay I’m talkin about cause that’s where we would ALL be if we didn’t have each other to trade insights with.

We don’t have a voice yet at THE PLANNING STAGES. that’s what’s wrong, man, when I grew up watching my pop, the developer, developing Salt Creek with money from back east, there were a lot of things in the master-butt-ore plan but SURFING was just not the main concern, and it was probably only luck that he was a CUSTOM HOME designer and that I SURFED or there would be a BOAT HARBOR there, cause that is what was wanted by the people that yack at the city council meetings and the planning commissions and the back rooms where the spensive liquor hits the lips of the trust and funded few who make the future so indelibly writ and so damn hard to change


Gas me up Juanita, I is riding to me own-your-own personal break. Chosen few, million dollar view. Obscene and not heard, it’s good for you to just stay the course, play dumb. Under the stars just a few more acts to this farce is all we have to grind our teeth to the gums for and it will be all over soon. Why? Cuz I’m putting the gas on the credito card, thats why, and soon the repossessors of cars, souls and what ever the hell else the children of the corn are after, they will claim it and we can move on and leave em in the dust wondering, “Why didn’t I think of that?” traveling by surfboard around the world on a hundred foot wave, man my Hummervee won’t do that. Kinda makes the old property worthless when those consistent Throughway Waves is a peelin eh Jimi P? - Crosstown traffic so hard to get to visit you, my Friends.

If you want to freak your mind out, just look out into your yokel parking lot and ask why the hell are we riding around in these PREHISTORICAL transportation devices with the hearts that beat the dinosaur juices and swamp soup into the veins of the pounding heart cylinders, kathump, kathump, lane change, Senor, ?a donde la the get the hell off ramp for Scorp-peon Bay?, cause I bought my green guzzler card from Shi(f)tty La Pew over in Santa Ana and I’m ready to squat on in, cheater five it, maybe right next to the gate arm that will keep me out of another break bought for the PERSONAL use of the mighty f–kin rich so just sha tha f–k-up!!! I ain’t listen-in’ to you so hit the trail, back to from whichever part of Europe, or Costa-Meso-Merica, or under the rocks, or on the rocks? Or?

It’s coming from the Earth, it should be free?

Blasphemy, I worked hard to get to the position of telling you what to do…,0,7513944.story?coll=cl-art-features

Should we? Dis-semina-ate?

The sort of upside is, when I go to Mex, I always pack up the kids outgrown clothes for the people we meet along the way. This time the nino’s running alongside the car asking for stickers and mags! Where can you cross someones land and NOT have them asking where and the hell do you think you’re going, not here that’s for sure, They have lived on NOTHING forever and a little help/respect goes a long way

We had a house in Baja for 30 yrs, sold out of it about 6 years ago to some Zonies, their problem now, too much crime and too much hassle keeping a 30 year old house in working order…no Home Depot, no nothing, gotta plan weeks out to get supplys to work all week on the house. In the end I spent more time working on the house than surfing, I’d be sweating putting a hot water heater in, or re-roofing, or tearing out termite damage, while I’d look down at the beach and watch my buddies pull into barrels. Not crying here, just the way it was. And no there wasn’t a trust fund envolved, back then you could build a house on the beack for 10K, and lease the land from the mex gov for $125 per year. Back then the no body wanted the coast property, what the hell you gonna do with a bunch of rock and sand? Can’t farm it, can’t raise cattle on it, can’t launch a boat from it, no water, electricity, roads. “Here Gringo, you take it and pay us $125.00 per year”…stupid Gringo.

All I can say is good luck to those that have those homes in Mexico. They will deteriorate quickly, and they will get robbed. I couldn’t amagine spending big bucks for a house in Mexico now, Mexico is different now, just like every where. It’s lost innocence. The only thing keeping the entire coast from being built is water. Thank godness for lack of clean pure water. Once they figure that out, there will be a Four Seasons and Marriot every 50 miles apart on the Pacific coast.

I think Jim is correct about trying to spread the wealth via hand-me downs. We used to take everything down there, I mean everything to give away. 1/3 sheets of plywood, old semi good tires on rims, clothing, toys, old doors, old tools…everything. The local folks appriciated

There are still many, many good surf spots on the coast. Heck it even took the deveolpment of a major corporation to expose one of the best right breaks in Northern America. And what did we get, well we didn’t get it protected, because not many knew of the break? We’d surf that spot all the time with only my little crew or maybe 2 or 3 guys. Still lots of opportunity, still lots of secret spots, protect them like a pack of rabid dogs tearing apart a rotting cat.



build a hawaiian house at princeville like I heard yesterday

lex brodie did simple not ostentatious

Seems like the mental disconnect these days…say you were able to buy a really prime piece of real estate somewhere…anywhere you like…the “go to” position always seems to be something ostentaciously huge or at least beyond anything necessary…I like to needle the old Dana Point mafia types who I have only really heard about but I also always heard they bought lots down on the sand at Capistrano Beach or wherever and build small places that looked in photos like Hawaiian shacks…the big thing would be maybe plumbing and electricity but not 5500 square feet of faux Normandy chateau obscenity…

Daddio mentions the dreaded Humvee…I must leave details out but this year I was with a family who expressed interest every time they saw a Hummer on the highway…I just laughed and said “the only reason to have one of those is to rub other people’s noses in it”…only to realize later that to a lot of people that is exactly the reason they do want one - to let other people know they are superior based on material things.

Take the Ranch (please!)…a pristine place to live, you vhae to have bucks to do it so comfort has been achieved…and it’s localized to the point some residents don’t even surf breaks when they see certain vehicles parked there. What a bad joke.

ranch residents or trustafarian as they are called, if it wasn’t for daddy they would be parking in the lot at gaviota not on the beach at r&l

Let’s all hope waterproof cell-phones don’t come on the market. We’ll never be able to get away from the damn yuppies and their senseless babble!!