Passing of Ramon "Cuban Comet"

Hi: I’m not a regular here, but my cousin Ramon was, his widow and I felt that, this being part of Ramon’s life ( he checked it each mornig prior to work and eve after), you should know of his passing last Sunday July 6 while trying his latest longboard creation on the waves of Surfside here in Miami. All of his family would like to thank you for the friendship you shared with him. Thank you

my deepest condolences.

My thoughts go out to Ramon’s family and friends. Although I did not know him personally, he will be greatly missed. Hearing such sad news really puts things in perspective and is a reminder of what is truly important in life. Cherish the precious time that you have with loved one’s because tomorrow is never guaranteed. A family of sorts has developed here at Swaylock’s. I hope some comfort can be found in the knowledge that one of our brothers has moved on to a better place. Farewell Ramon. Tony

How tragic… My sympathy to you and the rest of Ramon’s family and friends. I’ll miss Ramon. What was Ramon’s full name? Surely in death he doesn’t need to be anonymous.

Sorry for my initial post, hope this is not TMI Ramon Alberto Fernandez-Isla Tellechea Born Havana Cuba to Ramon and Silvia His wife Jeanette, daughter Alyssa, sons Nic and Augie. Grew up on Stillwater Drv off 85’Th street in Miami Beach, Later with Eastern Airlines (great to get around to Rincon, Aguadilla, Costa Rica etc) and last with EDS/Continental Airlines. Family, Surfing, shaping, cycling, carpentry, any type of handiwork, gourmet cooking, and everything he did, he did with love, patience, and serenity.

One of Ramon’s Comets was my inspiration to go build a Egg last year and I am truely sad to hear of his passing. He sent me a little note getting me into the right '70s vibe to build it too which help a lot. See you on the other side, Ramon. Chris

…and it really didn’t have to stop,it just kept on going… …YOU WILL BE MISSED HERE,RAMON…If there’s anything I can do for his family, just ask,and it’s as good as done.Herb

Very sad… when you have a few minutes, enter his name in the “Search Swaylocks” function. Ramon has many posts in the archives, so for those who`d like to get a feel for who he was, or just remember and honor his passing… try and embrace every day as a precious gift. Aloha Ramon.

The boards that Ramon posted here were always an inspiration to me. He was truly one of the great vibes here and I only wish I could have known him personally. My condolences to his family.

Jose: Ramon was a regular contributor here on Swaylock’s for a number of years. He and I never met but we exchanged a number of e-mails on different board building topics. My deepest condolences to you and to his wife and children. From our communications I know that Ramon was devoted to his family, passionate about his work and his free time projects. He will be missed, of that I’m certain. Tom S.

I would like to join the group in expressing my sincere condolences. We were fortunate to have had him as part of this little online community. Ramon was a fine craftsman and his work was an inspiration to all.

Too Jose R, Family & Friends, My Deepest Sympathy. Whereas I never had the pleasure of meeting Ramon. Just reading his post’s, I could sence he was a man blessed with a great soul. See you on the other side my friend. Sincerely, Fred

Ramone has a 6’-1" fish in the resources that I saw shortly after I found Swaylocks which he introduced with the quote, “My name is Ramone and I am a Swaylaholic.” The man was obviously a craftsman - who was willing to share as he could - but he also had a sense of humor which is sometimes sorely lacking in these times. That quote, along with that board, inspired me to get a 6’-9"A and shape myself a fish. May you truely be the “Cuban Comet” and soar the heavens. Peace.

Jose and Family, Ramon’s spirit of giving, his master craftsmanship, his obvious love of life, and his excellent surfboards are an inspiration for all. Although we only exchanged emails a few times (he helped me with my own “Swayaholic Fish”), his excitement and sense of humor shone through–it felt like we were old friends rather than total strangers on opposite coasts. He will be missed. Jamie

I’d like to echo all the previous thoughts. Thank you JoseR, for letting us know…When the tears dry, come back here and read through the things he wrote and pictures he posted, a little piece of Ramone is here forever.

i always read Ramone’s posts. Hopefully he’s looking out at a perfect pointbreak up there with a big quiver of boards and an endless supply of blanks. rest in peace.

I am bummed and saddened to hear of the passing of Ramon Alberto Fernandez-Isla Tellechea . Ramon was a wonderful fellow who shared his enthusiasm in life. As a comrade in woodworking we shared what was available to us. A few times we e-mailed about our common interests, surfing, tools, wood , and family. Not necessarily in that order. Ramon shared w/ me his love of cabinet making , that he learned from his father, and how they loved to work on weekend projects together. I had a strong sense that he was a great husband and father. He was one of two compatriots from Swaylock’s who are listed in my address book. I guess that is a testimony to cyber friendship. Here’s to you Ramon. God Bless you Brother!

This news has really been unsettling to me since I heard it yesterday. How did this accident occur…what happened? I guess my mind needs to fill in the blanks. I’m glad to know he was doing what he loved when he passed. Ramon, on his own shape, caught a wave to Heaven.

very sad-my sympathy to you and your family.I always enjoyed reading what Ramon had to sayor share-he had a neat perspective of things.As Lee mentioned, when the tears dry DO revisit this site and dig through all of Ramon’s posts and pictures-it will surely provide a treasure of words and images for your family to celebrate his life with. Peace…

I’m from Miami also. He’s the only other person I knew of that shaped down here. I was hoping to meet him in person one day to check out his beatiful creations in person. Knowing that someone else in Miami shaped was kind of an inspiration to me as well. I did not hear of his passing in the news. I was out surfing that day as well and the waves were only thigh high here. I’m shocked at his passing and very saddened for his wife and children. I always enjoyed reading his posts as well. He seemed a very intelligent and witty guy. My God grant him peace and good waves where he is now.