Paul Joske: unglassed wooden surfboards

“…Derek Hynd describes Paul as the pre-eminent craftsman shaper in Australian surfing. He shapes to 1/64th of an inch by eye, takes 8 hours to do a board, and has done so for forty years. It is just his way- the right way or not at all…”

Howzit Dale, I see the guy who did the T-shirt did a stencil of Kauai. Aloha,Kokua

Great looking boards! I’m glad to hear that others are ditching the fiber glass on their wooden boards. It just isn’t necessary, and IMO takes the life out the wood by adding a layer of plastic like semitransparent separation.

i saw that board in disassembled pieces when i was visiting valla surfboards earlier in the year. it is a wonderful piece of work. i’d love to have a look at it now that it’s all together.

paul joske is a master craftsman. i watched & filmed him shaping channels for a custom board (note the paulownia stringer paul inserted too) . he spent all afternoon on it. they came out stunningly perfect.

the man has an incredible eye & amazing hands. & he is a beautiful person deeply in touch with surfing’s heart & heritage.

Looks great. Has anyone here in the mainland US tried the all natural finish yet? It sounds like the one used on this board was the same as what Tom Wegener just let us know he was using on the alaia (sp?) thread. Anyone here found good suppliers for raw ingredients? I’d love to try a board like this someday. Unfortunately, until we have better availability of paulownia, and at an affordable price, the idea is out. If I owned land, I’d be growing trees right now.


Aloha Kokua:

That might have something to do with the fact that Paul has been to Kauai. In fact, he was here last winter and came by for a visit to talk story.

I first met him back in South Africa when he was traveling over there and he came around to my surfboard factory.

Real gentleman and good shaper!


Sage Joske his son is an incredibal surfer too