Paul's frozen fish update... *PIC*

Here’s an update of Paul Jensen’s new fish with rails capped and shaped…


Absolutely incredible…

Un-freaking-believable. Absolute work of art.

Paul, You’ve crossed over. Your artistic vision, and the ability to see it through to the end, have resulted in pieces of pure art. The problem is: who among us would want to endanger that beautiful thing by taking into the water? As a fellow craftsman, my admiration has overcome my envy, and I say with honest enthusiasm, “Well done!” Doug

You must have gotten an A in woodshop. Very…very impressive.

The best I got was C-…Seriously…Tools scared me… Things have changed…

That baby looks like she’s shaping up into a real beauty. God made wood, not foam, and it’s good to see someone has the right tools and vision to use wood to make these working peices of art. Rock on man. Can’t wait to see the finished board on your site. What sort of fin set up are you planning on placing on this float? regards, Red

Am I the only one who can’t pull up the picture? Paul, I’ve seen your partially complete pic on your emails, but I’d love to see the whole thing. I’m working on the ribs for my hollow fish now. Paul, what if you made a rib as a template and shaped a foam rib, say 1-inch thick. It would give you a bit more surface to glue the skin to. I’m using your methods for my first one, but if you think foam ribs have merit, I may go foam on the next. Assuming I am not committed to the asyllum for even attempting this.

The fins are Honduras Mahogany and Pine, laid out in a “Rising Sun” pattern…The template is a rakier “Lis Keel”…

“What if you made a rib as a template and shaped a foam rib, say 1-inch thick. It would give you a bit more surface to glue the skin to. I’m using your methods for my first one, but if you think foam ribs have merit, I may go foam on the next.” …I’m staying away from foam, but it would do as you think…Why not try it…???..

What I was asking was how many fins and where are you putting them? (eg, single, thruster, twin, something else???) As for the Rising Sun fins, you’ve made some wicked-sweet ones before, and I’m sure you’ll do it again this time. Just wondering on the number/placement though for curiousity’s sake. Maybe i missed that earlier in these forums because i wasn’t around for 2 weeks. Regards, Red

That thing has really come together paul. You were not kidding when you said you were newly inspired. What veneer are you using other than the cork. In the picture it doesn’t look like the ply you’ve used in the past. I would love you to post a picture of the entire board. I’ll send you one of my latest creation.

How you got those strips of wood to match perfectly at the tips of the swallows is beyond my comprehension.

“Assuming I am not committed to the asyllum for even attempting this.” Greg Having nearly finished my first hollow (glassing and fin to go), following pauls method, be prepared to experience every emotion out there, from pleasure to pain. In the 3 weeks that it took me to get to this stage, I dont think I slept much dreaming of plywood, gluing and cork!! My wife is happy that the rail shaping is over! Things to avoid; I didnt cut out the excess ply from the cross ribs, so now I have 8 individual air compartments! meaning 8 vents required instead of 1 Its all worth it.

Why do you carpenter surfboards patterned after the Baroque period? Your work is highly stylized and ornamented.

Absolutely beautiful is becoming a trend for you Paul[smile]

not to be redundant…but thats amazing!! since it’s q and a time… how long does it take u to make a board like that fish? how many hours would u say? also, in pricing what does that fish sell for? and making hollow boards, how much does it cost u supply wise? definately some great boards, i hope everyone sees how much ur work is worth! keep up the work, and pics, dj

“how long does it take u to make a board like that fish? how many hours would u say?” …about 40… “also, in pricing what does that fish sell for?” …I’d make another for materials cost, plus $1,000 for my time… “and making hollow boards, how much does it cost u supply wise? definately some great boards, i hope everyone sees how much ur work is worth!” …Using premium materials, the cost per lineal foot is about $30…