pavel keels

I have a set of Pavel double foiled keels by lokbox. They are canted out about 8 degrees. I usually set my symetrical foil fins straight up. Anyone set these fins canted out on their fishes or are they supposed to be set in a single concave so that the fins are at ninety degrees.? Mike

They are canted because Rich is now using concaves. If you have fins with no angle, and you shape a concave into the bottom, you’ll have to tweak the boxes outwards considerably to avoid having the fins angled inwards. Rainbow will make you a set with 0 degrees if your shaping a flat or vee bottom. Just specify. Thanks

Thanks Lokbox,

Got it. I was hoping you would answer. I just bought the install kit from Rainbow(waiting for it in the mail) and grabbed a couple sets of keels. I also have the Zippi fish set. I’ll install the Zippi’s on my flat bottomed fish and use the Pavels on my single concave fish. Can’t wait to try more of the fish fin choices you provide. mike

No worries Mike, i’m sure you will have some questions when you receive the kit. Please P.M. me so I can give you some basic start-up tips. Good idea to read the instructions completely before you P.M. me, as well as do some test cuts into a broken or old trash board. Thanks Jim

Another note: The Zippi’s have substantially more base width than the Pavels. The wider bases go well with wider tails. Rich’s tails are usually narrower than your average fish hence the shorter 7" base width.

Thanks Jim,

The people at Rainbow are great. Shad?(can’t remember his name, it was unusual) let me watch him do an install and offered to let me bring my board in and coach me through the process and set up my router. I’ll probably end up pm-ing you and running through the archives before I start making cuts or I’ll take him up on his offer and pick up another set of fins. The process looked similar to the Futures install which I am familiar with. Mike

…hey Lokbox I really like your car…the grey black one…

His name is Shawd. Save yourself the trouble of searching the archives…just pm me.

Shawd it was. I won’t forget it now. Thanks for the offer. I’ll take you up on it. mike