
ok, i airbrushed the rails on my 5’6" fish before i glassed it. i want to make a black pinline(on the foam) along the border of the color. i tested out a sharpie pen and a Krylon paint pen but both pens bled into the resin pretty badly. are there any pens out there that dont react to polyester resin?

Use an acrylic paint pen. Posca is one brand, look for water-based in the label description. Many of the online or walk in surfboard supply places carry the right stuff for artwork on boards. Tom S.>>> ok, i airbrushed the rails on my 5’6" fish before i glassed it. i > want to make a black pinline(on the foam) along the border of the color. i > tested out a sharpie pen and a Krylon paint pen but both pens bled into > the resin pretty badly. are there any pens out there that dont react to > polyester resin?

ok, i airbrushed the rails on my 5’6" fish before i glassed it. i > want to make a black pinline(on the foam) along the border of the color. i > tested out a sharpie pen and a Krylon paint pen but both pens bled into > the resin pretty badly. are there any pens out there that dont react to > polyester resin? Posca or Zig pens are two that work well with resin

Not to act as a shill for these people (the company drove a lot of small art supply stores in my area out of business…not unlike what home depot did to the local hardware stores)…BUT…there is a company called “pearl paint” ( that can mail order you just about anything in the way of art supplies - including the aforementioned pens. Hawaiian Graphics in (where else) Hawaii is a similar “supermarket” of graphics supplies…if you are in the islands. Give the pearl paints folks’ web a “look see”. T.

been offered some paint pens, but they are for use on wood! anybody know if these will work?