Looking for some info, and an approximate value on this board, I am going to look at it tonight and possibly buy it. From what I can find it is a Phillips Strawberry Shortcut Diamond tail. Below are the pictures I have of it. Have not seen it in person yet. This is a barn find and don’t know how it got here but it is in Central Texas! With the pics it looks to be in rough shape.I’m hoping the current owner will have some back story on it. Maybe Jimthegenius will chime in on here also.
Well I would say 1968 vbottom (extreme) transition era board that looks to be in very nice condition from the pics I’m looking at which are the ones you posted. As far as value goes I would say what ever you are willing to pay for it. Looks like a nice example, good luck.
if u buy it, would be nice to post up some pics in better light, with a straight edge across the bottom, etc
“Rough shape”? It appears to be in remarkably good condition for its age. It is a transitional V bottom board from 1968 and was made in Cranston, Rhode Island. The owner of the label was Charlie Phillips, but Jim did indeed shape some of them, if not all.
It is not a very collectible board and I would not pay more than $500 for it.
I am going to buy, and will def post better pics, those are the ones that were sent by the current owner. She has no idea what she is looking at. I know a bit but haven’t been in the surfing scene in 15 years due to the Army.
Well I haven’t seen it in person, that will be this evening, and I appreciate the input.
Were you looking for one of these, recently? I recall that someone was hunting for one.
Nope that wasn’t me, I actually came across this site while doing research on this board.
Metalsrfr, I wasn’t asking if you had been seeking one. My reply was to shadydave.
Hey Sammy, I was not in search of one. I have a Connor Bandito that is very similar. Here’s a tail shot for Huck.
Well we just picked it up, some minor dings. The glass is thin on the rails in some spots, but not many at all. I don’t think the fin is original, which is unfortunate for the condition the board is actually in. Once I can get some time tomorrow, and get it in good light I will be posting more pic’s of it.
man, that one shady dave posted looks like it has a real rounded belly in the tail, be interested to see if the one you’re buying has more of a V than belly.
Please post a pic of the fin because it looked pretty unmolested in the bottom pic.
Charlie and I were partners, he was solo before we met up, no shaper so he was buying shaped blanks from Foss Foam. I shaped for him before going to San Diego to full fill a commitment to the county and shaped for Bahne and Channin / Diffenderfer before going back to RI. Once there I broke out all the tips I had picked up, the designs that were miles ahead of the rest of the east coast, I loved my Strawberry Short cut, the first one I shaped at Surfboards East, thin rails, deep V, the summer of '68 was epic for waves in RI, I built over 2,000 Strawberry’s that year