Photo Resources Photo

Mr. I-Know-How-To-Post-Pictures here with a question on how to post pictures…How in the hell do I reduce my pictures to the itty bitty file size allowed in the Photo Resource section? I use Photobucket to process my stuff. I think I understand how pictures are “shared” with Photobucket and Sways on the main boards and how the pictures in the Resource section are actually downloaded to the site (hence the small file size). Can I reduce the file size at Photobucket and send the file back to my computer and then download it to Sways?

Hey Lee! Not familiar with photobucket, but i’ve uploaded some photos recently. Not sure about the actual file size but a resolution of 72dpi is important. I presume you can save your photos from photobucket to your comp. by >>Right Click>>Save Image As>>(pick location on your comp. and file name, desktop is the easyest).

I use photoshop to resize my photos. Some versions of this software might differ, but this is how i do it>> File>> Open>> (Chose required image)>> Once image is on screen click Edit>> Image size>> Change the resolution from 300dpi to 72dpi (just manually enter the value). Once you press ok you should see the photo shrink to a tiny frame. Do not panick, the zoom is prob. only 25%. (See bottom left corner for zoom value). Zoom in to 100%. If at 100% the photo fits entirely in the photoshop window, it will probably be ok for Sways. Save as “Something”. Newer versions of photoshop also have options Save for Web in the “File” menu

Hope this helps