Photo Storage

Anyone found another site to store photos on that we can link to??? I should have said FREE site. is paytolink now. Krokus

if ur looking for a site just to upload photos onto the internet, i know of one. go to works great for me

Thanks guys , I’ll check those out Krokus

try they’re free, have unlimited storage, and make pretty good prints. They’re free and they send you a link to your image right quick.

I went to photoaccess and uploaded this scanned photo.hope it works. David.

I went to photoaccess and uploaded this scanned photo.hope it works. David. Take2

take 3

if all you want is free storage that you can link to (meaning no prints or nice layout) you can sign up at . you get 250mb free and you can upload your photos with an ftp client. i wouldnt suggest making html files on there though, since they will have annoying ads. however, if all you want to do is upload photos then there are no ads

Yahooooooo-ooo I think they do it non-gratis. You just need to register a username and password.

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Take 7

I give up,none of the above listed sites let me download photos from them, to Swaylocks.Has any one sucessfully downloaded photos from any of these sites to Swaylocks?David.

There was a double http in you link like this: http:// You can rightclik on the red X, then clik properties and view the link. regards, Håvard

Take 8

Havard, Thank you very much. I was pulling my hair out last night. I thought it must have been a simple problem but I just could’nt see it. The photo storage site I used is The two photos are of a Bing I am restoring. The production no is 445 possibly around 1959/60.Thanks again, David.