Picking out good Agave for a board

I have been eye balling the hills while driving around here lately. Below this one house there are eight big fallen agave stalks. I have been thinking about driving over to the house and asking if I can clear them from their property. Before doing this I would like to know what my chances are of these stalks having usable wood. How long after a stalk falls does it start to disintegrate?

there’s several guys I know like using agave . . . most of the time they cut it down while its green haul it to their place and let it dry . . .

as for the 8 in the yard . . . you don’t know unless you mill it and see if rot or what nots gotten into it . . . archive search lots of stuff regarding agave

I did search the archives. I saw that some folks found stalks that were hollow. I was wondering if that happened because it had been down for too long. How much time do you have before it becomes unusable?

Does cuting a green stalk kill the plant? I’d hate to see a bunch poachers running around killing wild plants to make surfboards like they do elephants for ivory.