Pigment Question XPS

I just finished shaping an XPS blank (Pink Cornell from Home Depot) and would like to go over with a yellow resin tint.  Anyone have experience using yellow, or any other colors, over a pink blank?  Will the tint completely hind the pink color or with they blend?  Guess it depends on the amount of pigment I use?


Paint it first. Paint it white. Then do your resin color magic.   You are a glutten for punishment, I comend thee.

If I may.........forget the tint idea.

1) use opaque colorant....black it out

2) spray the blank a color and do it that way.

If your trying to make the board look like a poly tint job.....it aint gonna happen. it's going to look like a blotchy epoxy job over a painted pink blank.


And if those pictures are of the finished shape.......your not finished yet, you can do better than that with you fine tuning. Go back and take your time..theres no prize for who gets done first kid.


I have sprayed Tempera paints on to XPS prior to glassing and it worked fine.

I have not had any luck with rattle can sprays, but I probably got the wrong stuff when I did it.

spraying the board is going to be easier than trying to nail the tint…it also is going to tive you the most control and predictability.

I agree with resinheads #1 - go opaque and not a tint.

But… did you turn the rails at all? It looks like you just cut the outline and left it at that. Work on those rails some more before you do any glassing!

I also have a pink home depot xps board that I’m getting ready to glass. My thought was to lay the glass directly onto the pink foam and then paint over that and then lay a coat or two of epoxy over that. Alternately I thought of one layer of glass, cure, paint, then lay on the rest of the glass layers.

I have no experience with this yet but I’ve read that both paint on the foam and tint in the resin will worsen the delam issues that xps already faces.

Also, I can see that you made the same mistake as I did by gluing the layers together with the black lettering on the inside. Now the black is showing through at the seems. Next time I’ll sand off the lettering first or leave it on the outside where it will get taken off during shaping.

Hey Squalyboy

cool website by the way…

When I first started playing with XPS, I did the same! found out where the writing is, the mould release wax is on the outside of the foam, you do need to sand it off as it will delam or split the blank, I had a lump apear on my board and thought it was a delam in the glass but it was where the glue gave way between the foam layers not the glass lifting from the foam.


With painting/tinting, best to do it on the outside or how you suggested glass then paint then glass… but for me sounded like to much work… I am lazy and always use the paint like a finish coat.

Foamhack, thanks for checking out my website. I’m glad you like it.

I didn’t realise that there is release wax on that foam. I didn’t completely sand off the lettering but I did score the foam pretty good on the glued surfaces and then glued it with epoxy. I hope that was enough to prevent what you described.

I prefer resin tints and opaques to paint.  One time I wanted to do a translucent tint on an EPS blank, which normally wouldn’t work for me no matter what I did to the blank.  I ended up laminating a layer of 2oz with a white tint first and then came back later with a layer of 4oz with the green tint.  That was the board that I used chalk to draw a pattern on the pre-lam, so I ended up with a dark green pattern under a light green tint.  The chalk didn’t interfere with the epoxy any so I counted the exercise as a success.