pin hole in hotcoat

Not to be redundant, but, WOW!, swaylock's you're a life-saver, carper vids only show so much, thanks to all. I've read tons of threads on filling pin holes with gloss coat and such, but what is the cause? My first three boards I dove into, and they came out nice (except pin holes). I used roughly 1% cat in hotcoat to give me some time. Could this be too little cat? About to glass board #4, and I think I could use about 2% cat. Would the increase in cure time reduce the amount of pin holes? Most of the threads discussed holes on the bottom from over-shaping the foam allowing resin to sink into foam. My pin holes are all on the top. Also could squeegeeing the lam to hard cause this. My first board had MANY patches where the cloth didn't stick. The next two I used a lighter hand with better results, but still pin holes. Any suggestions?

Use more resin when you lam.

Squeegee resin into the existing pinbubbles, some guys use styrene, but that isn’t really right.

Use more resin when you lam.

Are you using a white or blue squeegee? The blue seems to me to be softer and less likely to remove too much resin.

Was using the blue to lam, but I think I was using too much pressure at first. Ended up using about 20oz resin on top and slightly less on bottom of 6’0" shortboard after squeegeing. This seems like too little, but I had puddles and lumps I had to remove. Maybe a lack of experience.

This may help in the future.1) wet out the board including the laps.2)squeegee the resin off toward the center and try to catch it in the bucket.3)4)Pour resin again and wet out the board for the second time working the resin in nicely5)Clean up with squeegee working the resin from the center to the rails.Dont get it too dry.6)Flip the laps.This will usually eliminate the bubble (pinair)problem.Lastly…and this is important.Take a look at the glass job just after the resin gells.If you see pinair mix up some lam resin and squeegee it in over the bad area.It will usually get the air out.If you let the board cure too much before doing this it will be really hard to get the air out. RB

thanks cleanlines, seems like i used too little resin. will post pics of the results.
