Pink Lamination!

Laminated the bottom of my friends quad speed dialer type fish a few days ago and was going for a deep red/maroon tint. Used red tint and used several more scoops of color than I would have for any other color. Went ahead and laminated the board and it came out hot pink! Great lamination with really even color tint across the board, but just too pink.

How do I fix this? Can I mix up another batch of lam resin with about the same level of red tint and put another coat of Lam resin on the bottom like a cheater coat?

Can I mix up a hotcoat batch with any color in it or will the addition of color to the hotcoat cause any problems?

Any advice would be appreciated…

nothing you can do as far as i know- “it is what it is” is the saying around the lam room. i guess you could try to fix it with a fill coat but it would look weird i think- you wont get even color around the rail and onto the lap.

if you tried to fix it with hotcoat resin you would have to gloss to get out the scratches in the color and you would have to tape it perfectly to avoid any overlaps and inconsistencies in color on the rail.

reds are hard, you have to mix in a LOT of color, especially with tint. they usually will bleed through the hot coat even.

Well, hopefully your friend has a nice girfriend who surfs…or wants to learn! Anything you would do to cover it up would probably add more weight. Once the resin hits the foam…that’s pretty much the end-of-the-story. Perhaps he is confident enough in his masculinity and won’t mind the hot pink. Just my humble opinion. It’s happened to all of us so don’t beat yourself up too bad.

next time add some black to the red.

You didn’t use enough color. Red tint is always a problem against a white blank. Next time use about 30% opaque pigment to the tint. For an average LB, I use at least 2 oz. of color for a lam on both sides. You also must compensate in catalyst for color (see archives). On any translucent color, what you see in the bucket is not what you’ll see on the board.

To fix the pink one, mix up a batch of colored lam as described above. Relam the board using 4 oz. This is going to add some weight, but it won’t be pink.

pink is hot!

but yeah, i had the same happen to me with yellow [not turning pink of course]

i did an extra super doped hotcoat with lots of yellow, problem near solved.

i also like to color the blank before glassing, so that the in between wave is colored well too. to color blank i use either spray paint or posca, or crayons, the dusty ones…

Nothing speaks more highly of a dude’s self-confidence than riding a pink board. Bonus points for riding it well, inspiring others in the lineup to ask, “what’s the matter with me that I can’t ride a pink board?” Any action that causes others to reflect is a worthwhile one.

Or, you can finish laminating, hotcoat, sand, go to town with an airbrush/spray cans/Posca pens, gloss, sand, polish, then surf.

My 2 euro cents. Hotcoat, sand and spraypaint over it, then seal?