So i finished my hotcoat on my second board. Halfway decent, a lot smoother than my firstboard, So i want to pinline the deck and bottom with white pigment, my board is translucent blue with yellow and white swirls. I have only pinlined with posca pens but I am going to do do it the normal way now. Do i use pigmented hotcoat resin then gloss over it? I normally use 3% SM into my lam resin for my hotcoats? Should I set it off hot and then pull the tape as soon as it starts to kick? I have watched the harbour and austin videos, but any other tips would help… thanks
Harbour uses Liquitex Acryllic paint straight outta the tube. lay it down and pull tape immediately. that’s all.
if using tinted resin, first lay a little cheater coat of clear lam resin. when it gels, then put in your tinted resin pin using colored gloss resin. pull tape when it gels.
i like the acryllic method. simple = less things that can go wrong (i.e. pulling tape too soon)
Sounds like you’re onto it.
A lot of the quality of a pinline depends on the tape used, and how cleanly and accuratly you put it down.
When you paint the resin on, put some on the tape overlap to give you a test section. You can use it for the timing of the tape pull without risk of affecting the actual pinline.
And if your pigment is opaque enough, which it should be, don’t put it on too thick.
Because everything should be masked off you should be able to do it quickly, get the resin on, a couple of long passes to even it out, and let it gell. Don’t muck around.
Lightly run some fine sandpaper over it before the gloss. Lightly, don’t overdo it. And blow or wash the dust off, especially red.
It’s been a while so I’m sure others will have better tips.