Planer bits for EPS...

Ive read mixed reviews for both the “cutter blade” and sandpaper “drum” type while working with EPS. Just wondering the opinions of others with experience. What seems to work better for you? Is there a difference, and worth buying a planer with a compatible extra drum bit? Ill be working with heavier density EPS foam, so will the blade still tear the blanks up? Thanks for your help Dave

I use a Bosch planer with the HSS blades. If I keep them sharp and don’t try to move very fast, I have had no problems. I have to sharpen them after around 60-90 mins of use, though, to prevent foam tearout. I keep 2 sets of blades, so I don;t have to put everything on hold and break out the sharpening machine. With EPS, I find most of the initial planer work is eliminated with accurate rocker templates if you hotwire your own blanks.


I sued my friends dewalt power planer on a 2lb EPS blank, standard blades. took it all the way down to 3/32 of an inch and it was ok didn’t tear up the foam.

I recently switched my Clark Hitachi to the barrel (ShapersAus) and thus far I’m really happy with it. The majority of my production is in eps/balsa sandwich boards, and I’ve used it on 13, 17, and 30kg densities. Very precise, very smooth cutting, without the occasional tears that I got with my blades.

That being said, unless you’re doing a certain quantity of boards, or simply have the opportunity to treat yourself, going slowly with your normal planer will produce results that are just fine.


Hey thanks guys, good to hear tears are prevented if you go slow. Going to go with the Bosch and the local Home Depot. Thanks Again!