Does anyone have any good ideas on keeping the planner cable out of the way. I nearly lost my finger last night trying to move the cable out of the way. Lukily my finger was pointing in the opposite direction to the blade so it nocked my finger away after taking of the tip skin. (nearly had a stumpy).
I’m sure that you’ll get a lot of different recommendations here . . . my solution was to set up a taught line running lengthwise overhead onto which I clipped on a circular clip that can slide freely. I taped a little ring onto my planer chord, leaving just enough length between the planer and the ring so that I can get a few loops around my forearm. Now I just clip the chord onto the line and it follows behind me as I walk the length of the blank. Much cruder than some of the pulley systems I’ve seen, but it has worked so far. Hope that helps.
I sling the cord over my shoulder. That keeps it out of the way for me.
I strung a line over top of the area I shape in the length of the blank. Put some shower curtain rings on it. Spaced the rings every 2 feet or so and ran an extension cord through it. TAped the cord to the rings. Then I plug the planer into the extension cord and it slides back and forth as I walk back and forth. Hope this helps. Frank
mine runs up the vacuum hose to an overhead cable – but when I’m not hooked up to the vac, it goes over the shoulder and/or tucked into the back of the pants… having run over it once, and after re-wiring the planer, I won’t make that mistake again.