planner problems

Just wanted to know if anyone with the clark foam planner have had this happen to them i was shaping a board tonight and the depth control knob got really loose and now when I turn the planner on and take my hand off the knob and its at a full cut it will move by its self back to zero cut its just really loose the planner is pretty new only like 75 boards on it if any one has any info just pass it along.


CAin Ward


If its the 2003 there is a locknut ring (doughnut) and it could be the set screw is loose and this will affect the front shoe tension. The setup of the doughnut and front shoe tension is covered in the instruction manual shipped with the planer. If its one of the older Clark Foam Hitachi’s I don’t think they will maintain the depth of cut without keeping your hand on the knob. BTW I’m in Morehead City so maybe we can get together sometime and compare notes.
