Plastic Fantastic

Just today, a friend traded some stuff for this board and he asked if I’d like to buy it.

This is a board that I’d love to restore and put on a wall, but there’s no room in my house for it. So I offered to put it on eBay for him. That’s probably the best way to help him sell it - right?

Anything special I should know about it? Based on previous threads, it sounds like the fin box is a Bahne, with a Lexan fin. The template looks a little newer, but the rails look like about early '70’s? There’s a serial number of 3109 right below the logo. A crude tail repair cost the board an inch or so. Looks like it was originally more pointy of a pintail.

Here are some larger pictures:

Any help on history or identification is appreciated!

Thanks, the side biters on that board gave me a good flashback!

Because of the fin box,(early Bahne) your board dates from 1969.

The high rails, rolled bottom in the nose, blending into the low rails in the tail reminds me of a PF a friend had in '69. PF came out with state of the art shapes for a few years in the late 60s-early 70s.

Howzit xKDx, The Plastic Fantastic factory in H.B. burned down in 1970. It looks like that board was airbrushed instead of tinted or pigmented and that leads me to believe that the board was built a little later. After the fire we made a few boards to finance a honey comb project which didn’t work out and the owner Gary Thernagle would sell laminates to Bob Highsmith who was the owner of South coast surfboards who I believe ended up buying the name rights to P.F… That board amy have been made after the name was sold. Gary passed away a few years ago and any info regarding the serial number has been lost. It’s also possible that it was 1 of the boards made by S.C. surfboards with the P.F. lams sold to them before they bought the name. Aloha,Kokua

Nice board, I love old single fins. Do you have the measurements so I can build a template? Thanks in advance. Jack

Hey Jack,

I was going to suggest that you come by and borrow the board for a week or so, but then saw where you’re located. Never mind. Is there a quick accurate way to measure a board with massively rolled rails like this? Let me know exactly what you need and I’ll be happy to get them to you. Maybe an image from exactly perpendicular to the bottom would help.

I’m going in Wednesday to get my ear drilled, so I’ll probably be out of commission for a while. (Thanks to Steve M. for the referral to Dr. Brackman at the House Clinic. Glad I could find someone like him locally.)


well, i like the outline of your board, if you can give me the lenght, widepoint location and measurements every foot i’ll be very glad. also fin location. maybe? thanks in advance. Jack

Here you go:

Bigger image at

Board is measured at 7’, but I’m pretty sure it was about 7’ 1 1/2" before the tail repair. Wide point is about 36-37" back, at a hair over 22"

(These measurements are pretty rough, and involved a drywall square, a tape measure, and Post-It notes, which also doubled as a vertical reference against a carpeted floor. Measurements start at the nose at 3 and 6 inches then every foot until 6 inches at the tail.)

No calipers on hand, but I’m going with 3 1/8" thick (drywall square and a dowel)

Fin is 9" deep, 5" base, pretty upright with the tip about 7" aft of the front of the base. The fin can be adjusted by 4", the furthest back about 12" from the tail. The Lexan fin has about the same rebound as a tennis shoe sole.

Kokua, thanks for the history. I ran into this quote on

“PLASTIC FANTASTIC SURFBOARDS - I am the former owner of Plastic Fantastic Surfboards in Huntington Beach from 1970 to about 1995 when some KOOK in Hermosa Beach registered OUR NAME and renewed a COPYRIGHT behind our back while I was raising a family.” Wow! A feud!

  Howzit xKDx, Yep that's the guy who would buy the lams from Gary T. and then put them on boards he was selling. He was not the original owner by any means. Plastic was first started by Danny Callahan and a friend but after a couple of years they got in trouble with the IRS for not paying taxes and sold the company to Gary who ran it when it was in it's hey day and then in the end Gary sold the name rights to Highsmith.I never really trusted Highsmith since he was somewhat of a scam artist. Before the factory burnt down PF had probably some of the best shapers and glassers in the business, Bruce Jones, Bob Macahaney, Jim Garner, Jack Reeves to name a few. After Highsmith got it the boards were shaped and glassed by god knows who since it would have been the same guys making Bob's South Coast Surfboards.Aloha,Kokua

did you get that board from J. frazer, who lives on pierpont?he has a bunch of boards like that…in fact, he is sitting on a treaure trove of early to mid 70’s baords…including a radical jo-jo perrin mind machine-yeaahhh!

Hey Matt,

No, I got it from a guy who’s house-sitting for a neighbor. I’m not good with names, but would probably recognize your buddy if I saw him. Sorry not to reply sooner, but I got my ear drilled five days ago and my brain has just started functioning again. Made the big mistake of watching the movie “Saw” while on a full dose of pain killers, now I’m emotionally disturbed as well.

WEAR YOUR EAR PLUGS - IT HURTS TO GET DRILLED! (Wish I had listened 20 years ago.)

Anyway, the board goes on eBay today - it will be interesting to see what happens.


o that wshould ride well simlar temptate rocker and over all like ness to my dad’s magic which was a good board it has been retired(started to delam and had water tin the foam). i woulkd buy it if i had money sadly no job :frowning: