Please help me on my concaves


First of all, the effort all you guys have made, sharing advice is amazing! I have learnt a hell of alot already.

What I would like please is some advice on the concave I should have on my board.

Here is the description of my board and stuff

6’6 x 18.75 x 2 5/8

Nose width 10 5/8

Tail width 14

Nose rocker 4.5

Tail rocker 2.25 overall , the last 4inches flips 1/2 inch

I have low-meduim boxy rails

I want this board to be great for paddling but still have performance rails and rocker.And I want to surf more in the pocket up the face than down the will be my allrounder board

I am 5’11, 170 pounds. The waves I surf are beach breaks that peel more than barrel, reasonbly powerful

Here are are my questions for wanting to shape

single concave to double concave:

1.Where do I start the single concave,

  1. How deep should it be,single concave be and how wide,

2a. where should it peak

  1. Where do I start the double,

  2. How deep and wide should the double be

  3. Where should it blend to nothing in the tail

  4. Anything else you think I know

Thank you for your help, much appreciated

It is my 3rd surfboard Ive made, Ive left in the rail cuts on the deck to add extra bouyancy but still kept lowesh rails, check it out!

1.Where do I start the single concave,

depends, generally in the entry area of the board. If i use more entry i start the single earlier/closer to 12-18 inches from the nose and further back with lower entry rocker

2. How deep should it be,single concave be and how wide,

this depends also, anywhere from 1/8-1/4

2a. where should it peak

i like the maximum depth between my feet where i stand

  1. Where do I start the double,

just before the front fins and reaching max depth between the fins

  1. How deep and wide should the double be

again anywhere from 1/8 to 1/4in

  1. Where should it blend to nothing in the tail

again this depends, usually about a few inches from the tail

  1. Anything else you think I know

keep in mind your preferences may vary from mine

the deeper the concave the more it will change the performance and it may or may not be better.

take a look at a board that you like in your quiver and put a straight edge on the bottom and you can see where the concaves fade in and fade out and where they reach maximum depth.

hope that helps

Thank you very much J troy!

I hope I wasnt too broad in my questions. I kinda dont know what exactly i should be asking.

I wrote I bit of a description of the board and rocker and how I wanted to surf etc in the first

Using 1/8 an inch concave will do the trick you reckon?

How wide should the concave be across the board, the board being 18 7/8 wide

I dont have any boards with concave that suit this board, and boards I do like in the shops have alot more rocker

generally about 3inches tail rocker on a 6’6, and my board has only 2 1/4 tail rocker

Thanks again

jt gives excellen advice…

one of the key rules…keep everything smooth

use your hands to feel lumps and bumps…

for me personally, concave is more about relaxing the rocker and thus making the board faster under the feet…your criteria is a bit different…concaves offer more speed and thrust when conditions dont allow it…if your waves are fast or powerful i would proceed with caution and use concave in moderation…hth

Cheers Mee Crafty, you know layed out some advice to bro[


Thank you very much J troy!

I hope I wasnt too broad in my questions. I kinda dont know what exactly i should be asking.

I wrote I bit of a description of the board and rocker and how I wanted to surf etc in the first

Using 1/8 an inch concave will do the trick you reckon?

How wide should the concave be across the board, the board being 18 7/8 wide

I dont have any boards with concave that suit this board, and boards I do like in the shops have alot more rocker

generally about 3inches tail rocker on a 6’6, and my board has only 2 1/4 tail rocker

Thanks again

Generally concaves go from rail to rail but this also depends.

3in of tail rocker seems a bit extreme for a 6’6" If you have only 2 1/4in of rocker in the tail then I would go with a shallower concave 1/8in depth, you may even like a little V in the tail area or perhaps you can keep it simple and just go with a flat bottom…your call…ask yourself what aspects of a boards performance do you want to emphasize?