Did a search but didn't find anyone doing this. Has anybody tried it? I have a piece of black and a piece of clear and it is the right thickness to match FCS fins. The plexi seems more rigid than the stock molded FCS fins. I would imagine you could laminate the plexi with epoxy and cloth. Anybody tried this???
Also wondering if anybody has tried molding their own fins using casting resin????
I made a few, back in the days, for Bahne boxes. They all broke in various places but most often where the screw hole was drilled. I don’t know what a fixed fin with epoxy-wetted cloth would work like…
My guess is that they delammed or were too brittle under stress. I found a piece of beach junk last summer at pt. Judith RI; a clear, resinous substance that I figured was a bait cutting board or some kind of boat junk. It looked the perfect thickness for a fin, maybe a little thicker. Wow, this will be sick for a see-through fin, myself said. Well I’ll tell you, I was foiling the piece I cut out of it, and this was the first time I ever melted the hook pad on my orbital sander. First time I had to go buy a new one of those. Thing got so hot melted.I went to the right angle grinder, roughly foiled it out…never used it. My intuition told me bad idea. We know that resin and even GGlue will separate from a piece of plastic with just a halfass tug. I felt like this would happen to my mystery substance all of a sudden, so I didn’t use it. It might have been a resinous material, hell it couldve been plexiglass, 'though I think it was stronger than that.Unless somebody who knows whats what tells you otherwise, why not sand a test pc and see how resin even bonds to it?
The side keel fins that are on the Bonzers variants that Eaton makes are made from clear 1/8 " lexan sheets. A slot is routed into the finished board and the fin is pushed into it with epoxy or hot glue.
Lexan looks like plex but is way stronger.
Also those clear and colored molded fins that where popular back in the late 60’s/early 70’s where made from Lexan.