plus one

so this guy comes in and says gee

I had three

blow off the car doin 55 and aw shucks

So i says" I dont like do dings but lemmie see

I looks and three crushed tails and one nose

I quote em high and the guy aquiesses

as I tell 'im I can use the lunch money next week

and besides I have one of mine I would rather not let another ding tech fix

so the clincher is : as they come off the car the label "Plus One " hits me cerrebellum and I say …I’ll fix that ,thet guy’s a contributor to sways…

so daddio it came it went I patched it well and strong…

the guy was short 15.oo and we will see if he ever comes back to settle up

if he doesnt I’ll never have to patch his boards again

but that fact that it was a board of the fellowship

turned my mental tide

good strong glass job

a board built with pride

not kleenex glass 4 the mob
