Heading out a week ago at the local beachie, guy coming in had a good face gash, at least 10 stitches worth, got caught up with the tip of his board on the inside. Checked him out, told him to get to the ER, eyed his sharp tipped name brand, suggested he think about getting his tips bobbed going forward.
Just don’t get it…those last few inches mean absolutely nothing to performance, and yet the vast majority of shapers still putting points on their boards because it looks ‘sexy.’ Some of the ‘big box’ companies no longer ship fins with their shapes due to fin cut liabilities…but still ship pointed boards.
A rounded tip might bruise ya, ain’t going to cut ya. Doesn’t make sense this is still an issue.
Every time this issue comes up, I weigh in in favor of round or blunt noses - but I'm pretty sure no one cares, and if anyone did, they've already heard it from me enough times. But since you brought it up, I'll say - it makes sense to me. A small concession to make for safety's sake. I'm all for it. I haven't gone to wearing a surfing helmet yet, but I lost one friend who'd likely still be around if he had been wearing one (rocks in this case, not a surfboard nose).
The pointed beaks used for reduced drag and supersonic speeds on surfboards are more likely to impale, with certainty. Nonetheless, high-energy, blunt-force impact with the blunted beak pictured, even a rounded one, can produce nasty, gaping wounds.
I haven't gone to wearing a surfing helmet yet, but I lost one friend who'd likely still be around if he had been wearing one (rocks in this case, not a surfboard nose).
You never need a helmet until you do. It only takes one ride...
interesting how ‘regional’ helmet use is…favored in some, dissed in others…spent some time at Margret’s River in West Oz with a mate I had met in Indo, and there Gath helmets were worn by more then not, especially among the older ‘crack of dawn’ crew…most of them had their kids do various artwork on their helmets, which was pretty cool, and often humorous. One morning one of the older chargers took off deep on the boil on a bigger day, came up dazed and confused on the inside…his Gath helmet cracked in half front to back from being pile driven into the reef. He was driven to the hospital with an obvious concussion, his still strapped on helmet flapping about like a couple of wings on his head. Back in the lineup a week later with his new, kid painted Gath on, absolutely firm the Gath had saved his life.
I wore a Gath for years in Norcal after using one for the first time at G-land on a trip (and Margies), loved sliding the tinted visor halfway down on late afternoon sunny days while waiting for sets, and especially liked having it on at a shallow walk in reef I favored. The verbal abuse from my mates, however, for wearing it was non-stop…still wear it sometimes at a certain reef down south, where the afternoon sun can just be blinding, and that visor is such a relief…and still get crap for it…lol
" spent some time at Margaret River in West Oz with a mate I had met in Indo, and there Gath helmets were worn by more than not, especially among the older 'crack of dawn' crew..."
....I think Mr. Gath lived nearby .... I don't know if he still does ??
I recall an old [1970s] 'Surfing World' mag I have a shot of him in , 'somewhere' , on a large right , probably northies , I'd guess , as it also had Ian Cairns in it too ...
I wonder if the hard time you got may have been because of [remember THIS guy ???] liam mcnamara's well documented 'visor up , visor down' shenanigans in 1990s pipe videos [yes , VIDEOS ... remember THEM , too ??!!]
...we don't see many with visors here , nowadays .... I wonder why ?? :)
it amazes me that people surfing Teahupoo don't wear helmets ...PARTICULARLY during that 'Code Red' day , filmed last year ....
LOL…yea, think most of us recall Liam’s antics during his ‘helmet’ days at Pipe.
one thing about the visor Gath’s - they do create more of a ‘bucket’ effect when getting tumbled then the non visor, so puts more strain on the neck. Always made sure to never take off on anything sizable without the visor completely retracted.
As far as wearing a Gath at Teahupoo - helmet, check. Kevlar body vest, check. Mouthpiece check. Armored knee pads, check. Cup, check. Medical evacuation insurance, check. Plastic surgeon already selected, check. Will updated, check, check.
I'll take a gash over blunt force trama any day. All surfboards are weapons. Use caution when surfing through crowds. There are too many macho guys that will plow through a crowd...saying "well, he should have gotten out of the way".
My philosphy in my old age is to let the wave go by...let it out instead of pulling in and potentially killing some kid. There's always another wave.
I’ve recently been referred to see an ENT specalist re: deviated septum and i’m nervous about the comments I’ve read on ENT’s. Orginally I was only researching plastic surgeons but my GP recommend an ENT. Has anyone been to see an ENT in Melbourne and has some advice/personal experience they can share? I want to get the deviated septum and blockage fixed but also want my nose to look good! I have been referred to Richard Kennedy has anyone been to see him? http://denverplasticsurgeons.net