Polfer Hull

i came across this design a while back and have shared some emails with this guy (ryan polfer).  did a search  and he’s posted some pics of his work here…but no discussion threads.  you can youtube his hull for some clips and imo it is pretty remarkable the lines this single design is capable of drawing.  anybody else reach the same conclusion?..check it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxftAlWJC8A

i don’t own one or know the guy, i’m just surprised nobody has posted on this design already…


sorry…should have specified…“posted here on swaylocks”




ah, just what i was looking for…thanks.

I will be getting my product on the market. The time has got to be right. And believe me last year was not right. But next year? Who ever wants to get thier hands on a custom shape, look me up. I do now have the confidence to deliver a qualiity product, with the latest in hull design. Something for the future, that will be a liberating design compared to the thruster. Again no compromise to performance.

Polfer Hull.com

I want one of these… so many boards so little disposable money

looks fun - wish I could surf like that!