Polishing Boards

How do you guys keep boards from sliding off the rack while polishing with a buffing pad.I have been using tape sticky side up but somebody once mentioned suction cups.I checked the archives but struck out.Might have been my own fault.Thanks

Cleanlines- This just kind of hit me when you asked the question. Some time ago Herb and I swapped some goods through the mail. In his care package to me was a mysterious piece of “sticky” thin plastic, never really found a use for it yet. Have you ever seen the stuff you put down to keep a rug from sliding on bare floors or even some drawer liner like this. Kind of thin rubbery stuff that works like non-skid. If you have a quart can of DIY truck bed non-skid polyurethane that could be used in the same way too. Hey! thanks for asking that question 'cause it would really cause me grief zing all that hard work right off and on the floor. Tom S.>>> How do you guys keep boards from sliding off the rack while polishing with > a buffing pad.I have been using tape sticky side up but somebody once > mentioned suction cups.I checked the archives but struck out.Might have > been my own fault.Thanks

Cleanlines->>> This just kind of hit me when you asked the question. Some time ago Herb > and I swapped some goods through the mail. In his care package to me was a > mysterious piece of “sticky” thin plastic, never really found a > use for it yet. Have you ever seen the stuff you put down to keep a rug > from sliding on bare floors or even some drawer liner like this. Kind of > thin rubbery stuff that works like non-skid. If you have a quart can of > DIY truck bed non-skid polyurethane that could be used in the same way > too. Hey! thanks for asking that question 'cause it would really cause me > grief zing all that hard work right off and on the floor.>>> Tom S. …The piece of drawerliner I sent Tom is from Ikea,and can be used for many things,from racks,to tailpads,surfaces on sanding pads…the skies the limit,BRA.Herb

…The piece of drawerliner I sent Tom is from Ikea,and can be > used for many things,from racks,to tailpads,surfaces on sanding > pads…the skies the limit,BRA.Herb Hey Herb, are you related to the guy that invented the paper clip? Or maybe the post-it? What about White-Out? I am in awe! Newbs

…The piece of drawerliner I sent Tom is from Ikea,and can be > used for many things,from racks,to tailpads,surfaces on sanding > pads…the skies the limit,BRA.Herb Lets get really high tech and think about some kind of a vaccum hold down.This stuff is cheaper than you might think,maybe you could put one a shaping and sanding stand,might be worth thinking about.The best hold down I ever had was my ex girlfriend but she left me for some reason.

Hey Herb, are you related to the guy that invented the paper clip? Or > maybe the post-it? What about White-Out? I am in awe!>>> Newbs …I have many different things that I have coverted.One is the H.F.airbrush(IT WOULD BLOW YOUR MIND).I build my own sanding pads and have been for 7 or 8 years now,basically…If something is used for surfboard construction,I think of a way to hotrod it!!For example,I bought a non-pro model SB-20 Hitachi from bruce on this website(w/ the Clark conversion)about a month ago or so.I had the motor re-wired with thinner,high-grade copper,replaced the bearings with highspeed, heattolerant, ABEC9 bearings,carbide blades,and to cap it off I used (for the depth control knob)…a aftermarket M-16A2 composite pistol grip made for AK-47s,so the planer “handles” just like a large hand planer.There is a rubber/teflon washer under the grip to give it a glide/feel of a skill(the only thing I like about skills).This planer will be my #1 planer ,as I replace my grip on my now #1 planer(my now #1 planer has all the features mentioned except the grip)with a FN-FAL aft.market composite grip for AK-47s and a slip over soft rubber grip made by Hogue exclusively for DSA Arms… …I tried to post a pic of it last night ,but after posting a board,and the Red-X jig/guides ,I got back a message that said my “FILENAME” WAS TO/OVER EXCEEDED???I guess I need to ask mike about that,hum?Herb

Lets get really high tech and think about some kind of a vaccum hold > down.This stuff is cheaper than you might think,maybe you could put one a > shaping and sanding stand,might be worth thinking about.The best hold down > I ever had was my ex girlfriend but she left me for some reason. a vacuum hold for taking windows out of a car wil work

How do you guys keep boards from sliding off the rack while polishing with > a buffing pad.I have been using tape sticky side up but somebody once > mentioned suction cups.I checked the archives but struck out.Might have > been my own fault.Thanks My shaping rack doubles as my sanding rack and anything else I can pile on to it when I’m not shaping. (beach chairs, umbrellas, extra boards, lumber…you get the picture). I have screw eyes way down on the lover arm of the rack and from them I secure a bungie cord or rubber tie down like you see holding tarps down on a flatbed trailor of a big truck. These are straped over the opposite end of the board you are polishing. Works for me. JC

…I have many different things that I have coverted.One is the > H.F.airbrush(IT WOULD BLOW YOUR MIND).I build my own sanding pads and have > been for 7 or 8 years now,basically…If something is used for > surfboard construction,I think of a way to hotrod it!!For example,I bought > a non-pro model SB-20 Hitachi from bruce on this website(w/ the Clark > conversion)about a month ago or so.I had the motor re-wired with > thinner,high-grade copper,replaced the bearings with highspeed, > heattolerant, ABEC9 bearings,carbide blades,and to cap it off I used (for > the depth control knob)…a aftermarket M-16A2 composite > pistol grip made for AK-47s,so the planer “handles” just like a > large hand planer.There is a rubber/teflon washer under the grip to give > it a glide/feel of a skill(the only thing I like about skills).This planer > will be my #1 planer ,as I replace my grip on my now #1 planer(my now #1 > planer has all the features mentioned except the grip)with a FN-FAL > aft.market composite grip for AK-47s and a slip over soft rubber grip made > by Hogue exclusively for DSA Arms…>>> …I tried to post a pic of it last night ,but after posting > a board,and the Red-X jig/guides ,I got back a message that said my > “FILENAME” WAS TO/OVER EXCEEDED???I guess I need to ask > mike about that,hum?Herb Herb…you’re killin me! Are you a Binford employee or McGiver? I use to rewire my 1/25 scale slot car motors like that with stronger magnets! They would fly…I wonder what ever happend to that hobby. Those were the coolest things. JC

I don’t know about you guys but before I polish,I wash the board with water. The water left on the board dampens my rack pads and that keeps the board in place while I’m polishing. Real simple and doesn’t cost a cent.

I don’t know about you guys but before I polish,I wash the board with > water. The water left on the board dampens my rack pads and that keeps the > board in place while I’m polishing. Real simple and doesn’t cost a cent. I second Kokua, I wetsand my rails on the same rack that I polish on and that provides plenty of grab.