How hard can it be to make???
Poly bottom + epoxy top = easy
Epoxy bottom + poly top = hard
Recently did a poly lam (t/b) with epoxy hotcoat and second super-thin epoxy h/c left shiny. Interesting properties…
it’s funny you should mention this… the 6’2"C thread got me thinking about the fish i plan to build, and i was thinking about doing a resin splash poly bottom, and an epoxy deck. i don’t see why it wouldn’t work.
Rule of thumb in boatbuilding epoxy sticks to polyester, but not the other way round.
Hi 220 grit! Why would you want a poly lam instead of epoxy when you’re using epoxy anyway? Isn’t a epoxy lam stronger than a poly lam?
I recently did a poly hotcoat over a epoxy lam (Had some poly leftovers) and it seemed to work just fine for me,so the other way around should work.
Jimmy Yoshio Shibata.
some ppl like the flex characteristics of the poly lam on the bottom while keeping the board stronger on the top with the epoxy lam. slater’s board at snapper is like that I believe
Jimmy, watch your glass job on that one. Sharp raps on the deck (or anywhere for that matter) can cause the poly epoxy bond to break, looking like a big delam. It’s not that bad, just sand it off then re-coat it with resin. Epoxy sticks better to epoxy, but after curing, you need to scuff it up pretty good.
I’m with simonc on this one. I’ve been in the boatbuilding industry for 25 years now. We NEVER apply poly over epoxy. No mechanical or physical bond is achived.platty.
I am using the system three SB-112 epoxy made for surfboard and sailboardconstuction.
system three says the resin is unique because it’s way that poly bonds to it.
Check the datasheet:
I’ll be observing and see what happens to the job.
Jimmy Yoshio Shibata.