Polyester glassing temperature

Im working on some ding repairs as well as glassing up a board and always run in to temperature issues. I live in Canada and can heat my garage with a shop heater but it takes forever especially in winter. I work with polyester resin and Mekp catalyst. My question is if I can get the garage up to 70/75 how long after laminating or hot coating can I let the temperature dip? Running the heater all day is a nuisance. Would using UV catalyst instead allow me to glass in colder than 70 temps if I simply warmed the resin first?

Following this. Same issue in Maine.

I would worry about thorough curing.
Heated boxes have been used for epoxy curing.
Maybe a thermostat controlled warming box (surfboard coffin) would be easier to heat than your garage.

I have glassed entire boards with UV Poly with the outside temperature as low as 40 and the only heat in my little shed being the sun hitting the roof, my body heat and the four 60-watt lightbulbs that light the shed. Temp inside the shed no higher than 55*. I warm the resin before I start. Not ideal but it works.