Poor Epoxy Cure Removal

When I glassed my deck, the resin did not cure. I know now that the mix was not right or I did not mix long enough. I am using bamboo fabric, RR epoxy. I am pealing the layer off and it is getting sticky.

How can I remove the sticky goo resin that is left behind on the board? It is on the deck patch and bottom laminate for most of the board so I can scrub but I need to know what to scrub with.


Im guessing

denatured alcohol


Hey naturalelements,

Try brushing a little hardener on a small area of goo - see if it hardens. If it does you can brush more hardener on all the uncured epoxy spots and sand it off.

I used this trick when I spilled some resin on the floor in my shop. Wiped it up the best I could then brushed some hardener on top. It cured enough for me to be able to chip it up off the floor and not have to keep stepping in it!

Hope this helps…

