After you paint on the hotcoat with a posca pen does it then need a gloss coat to preserve the artwork? Has anone done artwork with water based acrylic applied with a brush and then glossed?
I’ve used UNI-POSCA pens on laminated cloth and then hot coated the whole. No problem. The only problem with poscas is that in the worst case they lightly fade if they have other paints underneath.
After you paint on the hotcoat with a posca pen does it then need a gloss > coat to preserve the artwork? Has anone done artwork with water based > acrylic applied with a brush and then glossed? You can use a brush but the texture it leaves will cause your gloss coat not to flow evenly and then your gloss coat will be rough and require more sanding when you rub it out. Posca pens are ok but they use acrylic paint which can lift when you brush your gloss on. I’ve found that zig pens work better because they use pigment ink instead.
Tuna…they say that if you want to keep the art longer, you can hit it with a (“store bought”) spray can of clear acrylic. I’ve not done this, myself, so test an area first. good luck, T.
I just did this on one of my boards. Clear coat krylon over pen work (about $2.00 for the can). It dried a little tacky, but after a few days, no problems. The only tricky part is to get the clear coat on the board evenly. It can be tricky with a spray can. All in all it worked good.