Post your body boards n surf mats builds hear !


Made from 12mm ply

Cost $25

1 hour to build

Fastest surf craft I have ridden so far.

What was the blue material - I tried reading the package sideways but couldn't make it out.


has the glue held ok?



 The blue stuff
is a camp mattress/yoga matt it cost $6 at k mart the glue has held so far.




Thanks. While I’m asking questions - what did you seal the wood with?



I used surf board wax after I glued the yoga matt on I lightly waxed the wood then left it on the hot tin roof so it melted into the ply. The water beads off the surface and creates less drag due to the physics theory of contact adhesion. I do the same thing with car wax on my surfboard and  notice it goes faster.

I made this for an old Viet Nam vet, his legs couldn’t take the beating of stand up surfing any more.

All the foam and wood were off the scrap heap

That;ll be my first job this summer break. Thanks for the idea!

A sneak preview of the stand up body board I have began !

IM looking forward to it.

What are the dimensions? Is it finless?



I had to do a quick double take on what you’d written Jim.

The first time I read it I saw, “I made this out of an old Vietnam vet, his legs couldn’t take the beating of…”

and I was thinking “WTF” and scrolled down to the pic.

Okay…scroll back up and re-read the text correctly…Phew!

Note to self…wake up properly before checking Sways in the morning.



I’m interested in what you based this design on. Is it a bodyboard shape or of some other origin. What are the dimensions?



Will this be finless? Have you made something similar before and what sort of waves is it being designed for?





The board is a finless asymmetrical channel bottom designed to be ridden front side only as from other finless designs I have made that work well enough but over time have lent that they are easier to ride when made directionally oriented .

This one will be for the left hand beach breaks.

finished glassing and sanding so hears some updated pics

nothing original about it, Morey mach 7.7 plan shape built originally for Mario Frade in Narragansett, RI.

Mario was a former East Coast Champ and as competition director for New England, re-introduced longboarding the the USSF in the late 70’s, but Mario was in a horrid motorcycle accident, had to have an arm removed as a result.

Broke one leg in 7 places, got titanium as a bone replacement, tried to longboard after recoop, but with a strange acting leg and one arm, it wasn’t going to happen.

He started body boarding, but the stock boards were not suited for his disability, trying to drag his board through rough surf was a near impossiblity.

We had been pals since before he was a teen and sold my boards at the Water Shed, Mario wanted a solid platform to work with, so I took his template from the 7.7, glued up foam in the center of some 2nds short board blanks and built his first prototypes.

The first thing I did was add a sail board foot strap to the nose, now he had something to hang onto and a pair of fin boxes about a 3rd of the way up with small orca fins.

It put Mario back in the water and let him put away the competition again

Hydroskipper, thats a great design, very exciting to see, even more so to hear how it goes.

 Jim, God bless those amongst us who care enough to look after their pals thru thick and thin.


nothing original about it, Morey mach 7.7 plan shape built originally for Mario Frade in Narragansett, RI.

Mario was a former East Coast Champ and as competition director for New England, re-introduced longboarding the the USSF in the late 70's, but Mario was in a horrid motorcycle accident, had to have an arm removed as a result.

Broke one leg in 7 places, got titanium as a bone replacement, tried to longboard after recoop, but with a strange acting leg and one arm, it wasn't going to happen.

He started body boarding, but the stock boards were not suited for his disability, trying to drag his board through rough surf was a near impossiblity.

We had been pals since before he was a teen and sold my boards at the Water Shed, Mario wanted a solid platform to work with, so I took his template from the 7.7, glued up foam in the center of some 2nds short board blanks and built his first prototypes.

The first thing I did was add a sail board foot strap to the nose, now he had something to hang onto and a pair of fin boxes about a 3rd of the way up with small orca fins.

It put Mario back in the water and let him put away the competition again



Great stuff jim!!



I’ll be interested to hear the board rides. Photos?




Thanks for the detail. Did Mario ride the board much? Finless paipo are certainly a way to keep in the water. The strap could serve a few purposes. Bet getting wet did more for his spirits than lots of other things on offer.



First board I have made for anyone else…about 6 months ago. Xps with balsa rails, 2 +1 set up, can’t remember the dims


Comparing it to the first board I ever made.


The boards first outing…I was so happy it worked! I still waiting for a shot on it!

Nice job mate!


You know what I like about taking a body board surfing? The waves are almost always over head!