Posting pics

O.K. guys, I just got a digital camera and would like to post some pics of boards. What and how is the procedure on this site? Aloha, Kokua fiberglass

Kokua: After you have taken your shots try to save them and scale them down in size. .JPG format is standard, size is up to you but I’d try to keep them below 50K. in size. Your digital camera is going to start out with something MUCH larger so learn to work with the software so you can reduce the image, crop the image, correct color and lighting etc. When you go to post your board on the “Boards” archive it will offer you the option of uploading the picture file from your computer, the popup windows menu will allow you to “browse” to find the file and then highlight/clickon the corresponding image file that goes with your description. That’s it. Posting a link to a picture on a simple reply in the “Discussion” requires that you have a place out on the internet to store files. Your ISP may provide you with a free web directory or you may have a friend whose server you can store images on. What happens here is that you aren’t sending the image with your discussion post, you are providing a link for someone to click and view a file that is available on another site. Hope that helps. Tom S.>>> O.K. guys, I just got a digital camera and would like to post some pics > of boards. What and how is the procedure on this site?>>> Aloha, Kokua fiberglass

Hey Kokua - I’ll take a stab. First, log on to Swaylock’s and click “boards.” Scroll down to the bottom and click on “register for a free account” to get a password. Once you get your password, go back and click “boards” again, scroll down to “log in here” and enter your user name and password. Click “log on.” Scroll to bottom and click “add.” Reenter your user name and E-Mail address and fill in the blanks. If your digital photos have been downloaded to your computer already, make sure you know the filenames of your photos and where you’ve stored them. At the bottom of the “Adding a record” page is a section that says “browse picture” - click “Browse” and try to locate your photos in the “choose file” window that opens. Click your photo file name and when it appears in “file name” box, click open. The correct path should now appear in the “browse picture” box. Click “Add Record” once and that should do it. I hope that helps. It’s actually easier than it sounds and Mike is available to help trouble shoot if you have any problems.

Yup, Tom’s rite… make a personal website using your ISP’s web directory or get a free web space from somewhere, e.g. geocities,etc. You could be as much detail as you would like to tell the story. Besides, try Yahoo photo album service, its free. Regards, Crabie

Hey Kokua - I’ll take a stab. First, log on to Swaylock’s and click > “boards.” Scroll down to the bottom and click on “register > for a free account” to get a password. Once you get your password, go > back and click “boards” again, scroll down to “log in > here” and enter your user name and password. Click “log > on.” Scroll to bottom and click “add.” Reenter your user > name and E-Mail address and fill in the blanks. If your digital photos > have been downloaded to your computer already, make sure you know the > filenames of your photos and where you’ve stored them. At the bottom of > the “Adding a record” page is a section that says “browse > picture” - click “Browse” and try to locate your photos in > the “choose file” window that opens. Click your photo file name > and when it appears in “file name” box, click open. The correct > path should now appear in the “browse picture” box. Click > “Add Record” once and that should do it. I hope that helps. It’s > actually easier than it sounds and Mike is available to help trouble shoot > if you have any problems. Thanks Tom,Crabie and Tom, sounds like it’s pretty easy. I’ll post some of my work just so you know i’m not just hot air. But first I’m going to install a new 40 gig hard drive so you might not hear from me for a couple of days,but i’m hoping to get back up and running fast. Aloha Kokua

Thanks Tom,Crabie and Tom, sounds like it’s pretty easy. I’ll post some of > my work just so you know i’m not just hot air. But first I’m going to > install a new 40 gig hard drive so you might not hear from me for a couple > of days,but i’m hoping to get back up and running fast. Aloha Kokua All you guys are way ahead of me on this internet stuff, I’ve got an ad of Jim Phillips (when he was a youngster ) that I’m dying to post but can’t for the life of me figure it out-need to get my web guy over here to show me–but KOKUA, can’t wait to see your work -so you get going on the posting thing and I’ll stumble along and figure it out eventually

Way to go Kokua! Parts is parts on the hardware side of a PC. They can cause you some grief if they don’t want to work with each other. If you are upgrading to a much larger HD than what you were using just a tip. Make sure that the mother board (the mainboard that everything plugs into) and the underlying bios will support this increase in HD capacity. There are always work arounds but it complicates the process. Bottom line, if your original system was 2 years old and you are buying a new hard drive, have some help around in case you run into some compatibility issues like this. Good luck and am looking forward to seeing those pics. Tom S.>>> Thanks Tom,Crabie and Tom, sounds like it’s pretty easy. I’ll post some of > my work just so you know i’m not just hot air. But first I’m going to > install a new 40 gig hard drive so you might not hear from me for a couple > of days,but i’m hoping to get back up and running fast. Aloha Kokua

Yup…Tom, good question… Ask the shop who sell u the computer before upgrading. It wont run at ATA 100 while your system is running at ATA 66. But the most important thing is your comp cant read all the capacity, e.g recognise 10 g out of 40g. Regards, Crabie>>> Way to go Kokua! Parts is parts on the hardware side of a PC. They can > cause you some grief if they don’t want to work with each other. If you > are upgrading to a much larger HD than what you were using just a tip. > Make sure that the mother board (the mainboard that everything plugs into) > and the underlying bios will support this increase in HD capacity. There > are always work arounds but it complicates the process. Bottom line, if > your original system was 2 years old and you are buying a new hard drive, > have some help around in case you run into some compatibility issues like > this. Good luck and am looking forward to seeing those pics.>>> Tom S.

Way to go Kokua! Parts is parts on the hardware side of a PC. They can > cause you some grief if they don’t want to work with each other. If you > are upgrading to a much larger HD than what you were using just a tip. > Make sure that the mother board (the mainboard that everything plugs into) > and the underlying bios will support this increase in HD capacity. There > are always work arounds but it complicates the process. Bottom line, if > your original system was 2 years old and you are buying a new hard drive, > have some help around in case you run into some compatibility issues like > this. Good luck and am looking forward to seeing those pics.>>> Tom S. I’m running a Dell with a 10 gig HD,and am up grading to 40 gig. I buy all my up grades from Dell, so it should work O.K…Spent most of yesterday trying to backup,but my cd-rw is acting up. Aloha Kokua

I’m running a Dell with a 10 gig HD,and am up grading to 40 gig. I buy all > my up grades from Dell, so it should work O.K…Spent most of yesterday > trying to backup,but my cd-rw is acting up. Aloha Kokua …And i thought i had it bad with the string and two can’s.

…And i thought i had it bad with the string and two can’s. That’s funny as hell.We used to do that,two Cambell soup cans with fishing line…good for around 100 yards.Remember EEEE YO KEEE!?That was a yell we used in the Boy Scouts around 1958.

I’m running a Dell with a 10 gig HD,and am up grading to 40 gig. I buy all > my up grades from Dell, so it should work O.K. There is no need to do that unless you are totally clueless or they give you a really good price. Even my mum could install a harddisk. regards, Håvard

There is no need to do that unless you are totally clueless or they give > you a really good price. Even my mum could install a harddisk.>>> regards,>>> Håvard Installing the a cinch, backing up 5+ gigs of data when your CD-RW is acting up is what’s a headache. I always wait for the discounts( 10 to 15 %) to buy plus they ship Fed-ex to my house for free. Works out to be the cheapest way to go. Aloha Kokua

If I were you I’d just install the harddrive and copy it directly, but that’s just me. Never been much of a backup guy. "Backup? we don’t need no stinking backup!!! Aloha, Håvard

If I were you I’d just install the harddrive and copy it directly, but > that’s just me. Never been much of a backup guy.>>> "Backup? we don’t need no stinking backup!!!>>> Aloha,>>> Håvard New HD is installed,now comes the real work of reinstalling data and programs. Imust say that a new HD is like a line-up with only a couple of guys out.Ha Aloha Kokua