New Precision Shaper X system mills 10’x25" Boards and more. Slightly used for prototyping. Comes with 12 month warranty on all components, training and support. $25,000,00 USD, can ship international.
Contact Ry @>
New Precision Shaper X system mills 10’x25" Boards and more. Slightly used for prototyping. Comes with 12 month warranty on all components, training and support. $25,000,00 USD, can ship international.
Contact Ry @>
Hi Rylan, why are you selling it? im interested.
Hi Sebastian,
My Dad and I make them. We always have one around to test software upgrades, new drive components and hold concepts. This one was built 1 year ago cycled about 75-80 cut cycles. Basically new. If you need more info call my Dad 206.605.4396 his name is MIke. You can learn more here typically this machine sells for 40K or so.
Thanks for the reply Rylan.
I´m based in Perú. Ill call your dad, what place in the world does he happen to be, so i can call during day hours and now the area code to call internationally. Thanks again,
We are in Seattle. His contact 206-605-4396