Private message spammers

Hello people,

I was just informed by a member that they were solicited to wire them money via a Swaylock’s Private Message. Obviously a scam. I found the offender and discovered he has been sending out hundreds of such PMs. I blocked the user (username Byran). Here’s the reality:

  1. There may be other spammers/scammers like Byran on Swaylock's. 
  2. If not presently, then definitely in the future.
  3. It's impossible to stop scammers 100% of the time. These are humans who are registering on the site to gain access.
  4. The only way to consistenly stop them is to tell me or one of the mods and we can block them.

Thanks for playing along…



hopefully Swaylockians are smart enough to know a scam.


Unrelated to spammers, but because you are here at the moment:

For the last week, I have had to log-in twice every time I log on to Sways.  When I send a PM, I seem to be automatically logged off after I hit send.

Single logins etc. would be a bit easier