The internet is a funny thing, powerful at information and mis-information. If 5 out of 100 customers are unhappy and 95 are happy the only ones somebody will remember are the unhappy ones. Does that mean you shouldn’t try to make everyone happy…well in a way, because it ain’t gonna happen.
If everyone thinks that Clark blanks were perfect and the greatest and never had issues, they have glassed 1 too many boards without a mask on. I could go down the list of current blank makers and bash them all for things I have heard from shapers. I won’t. I could start a thread and have 10 shapers blast a blank(all have said it is the worst they have ever used) and yet dead shaper has raved about it. I could have the same and more shapers blast a blank that a big board(clothing company) uses as their standard blank. It isn’t the BIO that is the problem. It is that all these blanks companies are trying to do something better than before. Problem is they don’t have a MIcrosoft like monopoly like CL*%K did, they don’t send seconds to FL like C%$&k did they don’t cut you off if they here that you used another companies foam like C%$^K did. And actually they probably have less issues than Clark did over the years.
And guess what, if I ask 20 different shapers about the top 5 blanks out there they ALL will have a different opinion…what a suprise.
Biofoam does have to be treated a little different. Does that mean we should bash EPS too - spakling, heat around fin boxes, more glass = stiffer, but thinner shapes because of floatyness etc. Look at all the ways it has to be treated special. Look at all the trial and error that has gone on with it.
Done correctly Biofoam makes a wonderful board. Does that mean it is perfect…no, does that mean it won’t continue to evolve and get better…of course it will. I know of over 100 boards in FL that are doing just fine. Some riding it say even better or the best they have had…since it is durable and has a nice flex.
Las Olas, it looks to me like Homeblown responded and then you posted another rant without even giving them a chance to address the issue. Are you sure you just don’t want to vent. Because it seems to me If I posted, got a response, I would then hold off to see what the resolution was before posting again.
Surfding - the surf industry can be green, it just takes time. One thing you are forgetting is the shipping - the fuel, the pollution. blanks from Homeblown start off way better because it isn’t shipped from China, Brasil, or South Africa. Your list of 8 amounts to sh*t in the grand scheme of things right? Wrong, just like the foam we use it is all small choices that add up to a bigger impact. When the cloths and resins are up to the standard of performance, durability etc why wouldn’t someone like you use them? It sound like to me you are the type that would use biofoam since you already do these other LITTLE things in your life to do your part. Does the fact that you don’t ride your bike everywhere and you still drive places negate the other things you do? No. It is all about small changes, but progessing in the right direction.