Problems with STEP-Export of BoardCad file

Hi Everybody,

I have a problem with the board I have designed with BoardCad. I want to export it to STEP because I want to use it with Catia for further editing. The problem is, that the quality of the data is not really good when I load it in Catia and the connection between the deck and the bottom isn’t tangential as it is supposed to be. I have tried all versions of the program and the Help is also not telling much about this problem.

Is that probably a problem of Catia? The tail also doesn’t look like on BoardCad. I have exported the file also as STL, with a better result, but as I want to use surfaces in Catia I would have to generate them from the points, what doesn’t make the result better.

I have also tried to change the number of segments and points in BoardCad without really knowing what it changes, but the result only got worse.

Does anybody know what the problem might be? Perhaps someone with rheno can load my board and export it to rheno and afterwards export it from there?

I am thankful for all kinds of help, because I have spent all of my christmas holiday on that, so I am am far behind my projectplan J

The Project is to copy my board that was designed with BoardCad and I got the file from my shaper. But I try to make a hollow Karbon board, so I need the surfaces to mill the mold. I have already 3D scanned the board but there is a little twist in the board thats why I chose the way of using the original shaping data, because I thought it might be easier…After comparing the BoardCad data with the scanned data, I noticed the difference in the tail and took a closer look on the rest.

I hope you got the point, because my english is not the best.

Thanks a lot,


I’ve noticed the same thing when trying to export 3d files to Pro Engineer. Boardcad really needs to improve on their 3d interface.




I know Jonas have been working on some improvements on the conversion from Bezier to nurbs which is used for the step (and STL) export if I remember correctly. I’m not sure when it will be ready, but it’s something we’re working on.

Hi, thanks, it’s good to know that there really is a problem.

Do you still remember which buttons to push or parameters to change, to improve the result. And which version of the program is the best for that issue?

Is the number of points related to the number of segments? I have realized that these to parameters change the result, but not yet for an improvement.

Because it is written in the onlinehelp that Rhino can be used for further editing of the surfaces I wonder if there are no Problems with Rhino. I think there is a free demoversion, so if that program is better, i would try it.


Doesn’t the STEP-file open at all or is it a problem to connect the two surfaces? Please send me a PM with more details so I can try to fix it in future releases. For now importing the file in Rhino and exporting it again may solve the problem.



Because it is written in the onlinehelp that Rhino can be used for further editing of the surfaces I wonder if there are no Problems with Rhino. I think there is a free demoversion, so if that program is better, i would try it.