Problems with US Blanks "Orange"?

3 months ago I posted my latest build “Got Lucky”, a 6’-1" kite surfboard. For 1st time, I used a US Blanks “Orange” which is listed as their competition weight blank. I used a heavy lam  schedule (bot. 6/6/4 & top, 6/cherry veneer/6).

I’ve noticed over the last couple weeks that the stringer is starting to protrude on both the top & bottom. A local shaper I know told me he had a lot of problems with the “oranges” & the foam breaking down & “shrinking” .

Has anyone else had this problem?

Epoxy or PE?

Given that he mentions veneers its probably safe to say he’s using epoxy.

Yes. With blue density. 6-4 deck. 6 bottom. RR epoxy. Occured while driving to San Diego from my house a few years ago. I really liked that board, too. Mike

Yes- I used Fiberglass Hawaii Aluzine. The board I built before that one, I used a “Red” & didn’t have any problems.

I almost exclusivly use Millennium, but I did have one issue with a blank shrinking after a day in the sun, the dark colored tail dip probably didnt help. If anything I chalked this one up as my error and not so much a material problem. But, I brought it up to Millennium at Boardroom a few years ago they said they had an issue with some blanks shrinking but tweaked the formula to help solve the problem. 

On a side note, I picked up US Blanks blue density for a rush order, and while skinning I uncovered an 1/8" air bubble right along the stringer. When I took a closer look there was small termite alive inside the bubble. So either he was poured into the blank or somehow got caught up in the glue up. 

Arctic, Millennium and Marko ;  all three are great.

Maybe a stupid question, but where can I get Arctic blanks from. I’m on the Central California coast & our local shop (The Craft) only carries US Blanks)?

no interest in tow weight blank density?

just a thought to enhance durability…


Pretty sure your problem is using orange density foam.


Use blue at least

Call Marty at Arctic and ask him.  I believe they still have a truck that goes up that way once a week or so.  

Drive down to orange country… I know that’s not a good answer buts unless you ship it, that’s the answer haha. 

Nick told me the other day that he can get millennium foam it just takes about a month. 

Never had any usb issues but I tend to use heavier foams.

Core + glassing > core or glassing

I tried the “Orange” because I like the strength of PU, but was hoping to get the board a little closer to the weight of EPS. I thought the heavy lam schedule would make up for the lighter density foam.

Lowell- Thanks for that tip. I’ll give them a call before my next build.

Ambrose-I think the “Black” might be a little too heavy. Depending on whether I can get the Arctic’s, I might just go back to the “Red” or maybe even try a “Blue” before I go black.

FWIW A few different people that I trust have told me that blue density foam often nets a board equally light or lighter than a red density blank. Due to the amount of resin that the different foams soak up…


Maybe if you want to do the orange density you should do a deck veneer?


Conditions looked good for kiting the last couple weeks… Did you get some?

Chris - I did use a cherry veneer & as mentioned in previous post a heavy lam schedule. I won’t use an Orange again.The bummer is that I still have one Orange left over. Hopefully I can sell it.

 I previously used a red or I might try a blue. I’m also considering trying a different brand.

Yes- I got out the last 3 days @ A-Beach. Waves didn’t have a very good shape. Seemed like a mixed swell was messing it up. Went up to Arroyo yesterday. Real nice o/h waves but wind was pretty flukey .  

i make some kite for strapless kite surfing. talk to some kite board builder that come back to eps+thick lam after pu/pe experiments. with foam core for durability, no matter density, kite need though skin against dings and stiff place under feet against foot dents. at lightest density eps have a better élastic limite in compression than pu. with so much reinforcement you don’t care (feel) foam dampening any more. i go with 1.5lb eps core, cheap, light.

I’ve built Compsand (eps/divinicell) windsurf boards in the past. While they are lighter & stronger/stiffer, they are alot more work. The PU with epoxy resin & veneer top decks was my compromise (strength/$/easy to build).

On Arctic you will be looking at Green — Standard,  Yellow—lite,  Orange— Super Lite.   I have sold lots of Yellows and everybody seems to prefer them.  The Green is too heavy for most of my Shapers who do Shortboards.  I was selling quite a few Orange for awhile, but everybody seems to have settled on Yellow.  Never had anyone complain about denting on an Arctic or a Millennium.  Between those two Manufacturers I have probably sold 500 plus over the last 3 or 4 years.  I have shaped lots of US Blanks and would shape them again if they were all I could get, like when I lived on Maui.  But they are not my preferred blank.  I prefer harder foam.  Once you get used to shaping it;  There is nothing to it.  Granted US Blanks are harder than Clark was and whiter too.  But IMHO softer than their current competitors…  Lowel

Thanks Lowell - Thats great information to know since I haven’t worked with Arctic blanks before. Since I still have one Orange leftover ( & hate throwing things away) i sent an email to US to see if they would exchange my orange for a blue. If not, i’ll try a Yellow.