ok guys, i was planning to make a new travel board for my yearly trip to morrocco at new year but due to me making a board for my friends 30th which is end of november i dont think i will have the time.
i had however ordered some probox inserts for a quad setup and thanks to Robin’s great service i now have these so what im thinking is adding these to the last board i made which ive spent the last 6 months or so dialling in. at least this way it will give me a greater understanding of how they affect the ride and performance.
the board was designed for right hand point breaks but ive been enjoying it in a whole range of conditions.
specs are 8’10" x 23.5" @ 9" up from centre x 3 thick. nose is 18.5" tail is 13"
rear of fin box is 6.5" from tail 2 3/4" tail rocker 3 3/4 nose rocker slight concave at nose to flat belly going to slight vee at tail
weight is about 8.5 kgs
at the moment it paddles really well, has nice glide, turns really well and noserides too.
do you guys think i have enough room at the tail to add a quad setup and if so where should i put the boxes and how much toe in should i have?
thanks in advance

Aloha surfingdog:
I think you definitely have enough room to place a set of boxes for a quad setup.
The first question I would ask though is do you intend to use some of these boxes with the center box as a 2+1 setup?
If you do, then I think it is going to be a little more challenging as typically for a set of side bites on a 2+1 setup the front boxes would be way to far forward to work well as a quad setup.
If you are not interested in riding it as a 2+1 then I would place the boxes as follows, or you don’t mind if it is more like a window maker setup, then the following dimensions come to mind.
Front Boxes - 12 3/8" from tail [4 1/8" fin base] 1/4" toe-in, 6 degree cant
Back Boxes - 7" from tail [4" fin base] 3/16" toe-in, 4 degree cant
I would set the back mark on both sets of boxes 1" in from the rail.
These dimensions are a little further forward than I commonly use but should be good for this type of board and this will at least place the front boxes in a little better but not ideal position for use in a 2+1 setup.
Typically, for a 2+1 setup I place the front boxes about 14 1/2" from the tail for a board this size, but I don’t feel the quad will works as well setup this far forward.
Looking at where you have the fins sitting on the board in your photos they look way to far forward to me!
Hope this helps!
Aloha Robin,
Thanks for chiming in on this one,
i am not too bothered about riding it as a 2+1, definatly more interested as a quad.
i placed the boxes on last night with no idea where to put them which explains why they look too far forward.
ill mark out the measurements you’ve suggested tonight and take another pic to see what you think.
what is the deal with a widowmaker setup? ive heard it mentioned before but never really got my head round it, how does it differ from 2+1?
Aloha Robin, ive added the dims you posted and double sided the boxes in place, looks bloody nice… its got teeth!
let me know if it looks right to you, i was presuming when you gave measurements from the tail that was from the tail to the rear shapers mark, is this right?
just waiting on some white pigment from homeblown then they’ll be fitted
im drooling already!
just one last thing, my fault because originally i was looking at putting them on something smaller but the fins i got off you are 375’s and 450’s, now until i get round to ordering some at 4 and 41/8 would i be better running some fcs M5’s and M.R-TX as they are slightly larger?
thanks again.

Aloha surfingdog:
That setup looks really good, and yes the measurements were to the back shapers mark. I normally don’t measure that way but I know a lot of people do so I thought I’d make it easier.
Personally, I think those fins will work just fine once you take out the center fin.
I typically use a 4.50" elliptical cutaway on the front and a 4.00" on the back for this type of board.
brilliant cheers Robin,
ill let you know how i get on! time to get the festools out!
thanks again.